Kjuly / ALAssetsLibrary-CustomPhotoAlbum

A nice ALAssetsLibrary category for saving images & videos into custom photo album.
MIT License
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Option to check if image exists in the newly created folder in gallery? #40

Closed subinrevi closed 8 years ago

subinrevi commented 8 years ago


  Is there any method by which we can check that an image already exists in our folder?
Kjuly commented 8 years ago

Hi @subinrevi , u can just use the default method

- (void)assetForURL:(NSURL *)assetURL

if image exists, will invoke resultBlock, otherwise, failureBlock will be invoked w/ error.

btw., from iOS 9, it's recommended to

Use fetchAssetsWithLocalIdentifiers:options: on PHAsset to fetch assets by local identifier (or to lookup PHAssets by a previously known ALAssetPropertyAssetURL use fetchAssetsWithALAssetURLs:options:) from the Photos framework instead.

subinrevi commented 8 years ago


-(void)saveImage:(UIImage*)image toAlbum:(NSString*)albumName withCompletionBlock:(SaveImageCompletion)completionBlock
    //write the image data to the assets library (camera roll)
    [self writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum:image.CGImage orientation:(ALAssetOrientation)image.imageOrientation 
                        completionBlock:^(NSURL* assetURL, NSError* error) {

                          //error handling
                          if (error!=nil) {

                          //add the asset to the custom photo album
                          [self addAssetURL: assetURL 


I am using the above method to save images to a new album in my phone. But the images are getting saved to the camera roll as well. Can I prevent that?

subinrevi commented 8 years ago


-(void)saveImage:(UIImage*)image toAlbum:(NSString*)albumName withCompletionBlock:(SaveImageCompletion)completionBlock
    //write the image data to the assets library (camera roll)
    [self writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum:image.CGImage orientation:(ALAssetOrientation)image.imageOrientation 
                        completionBlock:^(NSURL* assetURL, NSError* error) {

                          //error handling
                          if (error!=nil) {

                          //add the asset to the custom photo album
                          [self addAssetURL: assetURL 


I am using the above method to save images to a new album in my phone. But the images are getting saved to the camera roll as well. Can I prevent that?

Kjuly commented 8 years ago

I notice u've closed the issue, so everything is okay now, right? :)

Well, i see the #41 .