Kladdkaka / ProxyGrabber

Simple but effective proxy grabber, made in Python!
9 stars 1 forks source link

Maybe usefull rewrite #1

Open hwms opened 7 years ago

hwms commented 7 years ago

I customized your code heavily to something i like to use for now and modified the usable sites. Maybe u might like just some parts of it, so no pull request, to much to do too little time.

import re
from xml.dom import minidom

from requests import Session as WebClient
from pyquery import PyQuery

proxy_regex = re.compile('(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}:\d+')

class ProxyGrab:
    def __init__(self):
        self._sites = {}

    def __getattr__(self, name):
            return self._sites[name.upper()]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(name)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name.startswith('_'):
            return super().__setattr__(name, value)
        value = value if len(value) == 3 else value + (True,)
        self._sites[name.upper()] = value

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter((n,) + vs for n, vs in self._sites.items())

    def __dir__(self):
        return super().__dir__() + list(self._sites)

    def get_proxies(self, *names):
        proxies, names = set(), {n.upper() for n in names}
        for name, url, func, enabled in self:
            if (names and name in names) or (not names and enabled):
                print('get proxies from', name, end='\r')
                    site_proxies = set(func(WebClient(), url))
                except ValueError:
                    print('URL %s failed' % url)
                print('got %d proxies from %s, now: %d' % (len(site_proxies), name, len(proxies)))
        return proxies

def by_linesplit(client, url):
    return client.get(url).text.splitlines()

def by_json_dicts(host_key, port_key):
    def _by_json_dicts(client, url):
        for data in client.get(url).json():
            yield '%s:%s' % (data[host_key], data[port_key])
    return _by_json_dicts

def by_regex(client, url):
    return proxy_regex.findall(client.get(url).text)

def by_regex_for_first_link_with_proxies(client, url):
    response = client.get(url)
    for link in PyQuery(response.text, parser='html').items('a'):
        lurl = url + link.attr.href
        print('get proxies from', lurl, end='\r')
        proxies = set(by_regex(client, lurl))
        print('got %d proxies from %s' % (len(proxies), lurl))
        if proxies:
            return proxies

def by_gziputf8split(client, url):
    return gzip.decompress(client.get(url).content).decode('utf8').split()

def by_xmldom(client, url):
    xmldoc = minidom.parseString(client.get(url).text)
    for item in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('prx:proxy'):
        yield '%s:%s' % (item.getElementsByTagName('prx:ip')[0].firstChild.nodeValue,

grab = ProxyGrab()
grab.hidester = 'https://hidester.com/..', by_json_dicts('IP', 'PORT'), 0  # filters, pagination and json, not now
grab.free_proxy_list = 'http://free-proxy-list.appspot.com/proxy.json', by_json_dicts('Host', 'Port')
grab.xicidaili = 'http://api.xicidaili.com/free2016.txt', by_linesplit
grab.proxyape = 'http://proxyape.com/', by_regex
grab.proxyspy = 'http://txt.proxyspy.net/proxy.txt', by_regex, 0  # dunno, takes too long
grab.cn_66ip = 'http://www.66ip.cn/mo.php?tqsl=1000000', by_regex
grab.proxyrss = 'http://www.proxyrss.com/proxylists/all.gz', by_gziputf8split
grab.proxylists = 'http://www.proxylists.net/proxylists.xml', by_xmldom
grab.proxz = 'http://www.proxz.com/proxylists.xml', by_xmldom
grab.rosinstrument1 = 'http://tools.rosinstrument.com/proxy/plab100.xml', by_regex
grab.rosinstrument2 = 'http://tools.rosinstrument.com/proxy/l100.xml', by_regex
grab.xroxy = 'http://www.xroxy.com/proxyrss.xml', by_xmldom
grab.orcatech = 'https://orca.tech/community-proxy-list/', by_regex_for_first_link_with_proxies

# grab.orcatech = 'https://orca.tech/?action=real-time-proxy-list', by_orcatech_html, 0  # dead

# def by_orcatech_html(client, url):
#     fstr, tstr = '<button class="btn" data-clipboard-text="', '"><i class="mdi-content-content-copy left">'
#     html = client.get(url).text
#     for line in html[html.index(fstr) + len(fstr):html.index(tstr)].splitlines():
#         proxy = ''
#         for char in line:
#             if char in '0123456789:.':
#                 proxy += char
#         if proxy:
#             yield proxy
Kladdkaka commented 7 years ago

Holy fuck, haven't noticed this until now, that looks freaking awesome! Thank you so much, feel free to open a pull request and I will accept it if you want. :)

hwms commented 7 years ago

maybe later...working on verify-if-working-and-with-what-protocol stuff for it :)

Kladdkaka commented 7 years ago

Oh nice! That would be awesome, I made a terrible but working checker for proxies if you check the repo, feel free to modify it to your needs. :)

/ Erik