Klafyvel / vim-slime-cells

A plugin on top of vim-slime to enhance its cell feature.
MIT License
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remove <cr> #10

Closed ArbitRandomUser closed 4 months ago

ArbitRandomUser commented 4 months ago

in lines 6 through 9 in plugin/slime_cells.vim

noremap <unique> <script> <silent> <Plug>SlimeCellsNext :<c-u>call slime_cells#go_to_next_cell()<cr>
noremap <unique> <script> <silent> <Plug>SlimeCellsPrev :<c-u>call slime_cells#go_to_previous_cell()<cr>
noremap <unique> <script> <silent> <Plug>SlimeCellsSendAndGoToNext :<c-u>call slime_cells#send_cell_and_go_to_next()<cr>
noremap <unique> <script> <silent> <Plug>SlimeCellsSendAndGoToNext :<c-u>call slime_cells#send_cell_and_go_to_next()<cr>

the additional \<cr> causes the cursor to go to a new line after the text is sent ,

this destorys the purpose of slime_preserve_curpos in vim-slime

Klafyvel commented 4 months ago

Hi, I am not sure I understand your issue. If I remove these <cr> the commands won't be executed anymore, will they?

ArbitRandomUser commented 4 months ago

oh alright, i am mistaken i had an extra \<CR> in my vim init for the keybinding

sorry for the noise.

Klafyvel commented 4 months ago

No problem, have fun using vim-slime-cells. :)