Klafyvel / vim-slime-cells

A plugin on top of vim-slime to enhance its cell feature.
MIT License
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Error when loading the plugin in Neovim #5

Closed Onturenio closed 7 months ago

Onturenio commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to use the script in Neovim v0.4.3, but when doing so I get this error (sorry, in Spanish):

Se ha detectado un error al procesar /home/user/.vim/bundle/vim-slime-cells/autoload/slime_cells.vim:
línea   13
E475: El argumento no es válido: include_header=0) abort
línea   16
E133: ":return" no está dentro de una función
línea   39
E193: ¡":endfunction" no está dentro de una función!

The problem seems to be in the following function:

function! slime_cells#select_current_cell(include_header=0) abort
  let cell_delimiter = slime_cells#get_delimiter()
  if cell_delimiter == ""

  let [line_ini, col_ini] = searchpos(cell_delimiter, 'bcnW')
  let line_end = search(cell_delimiter, 'nW')

  if !line_ini
    let line_ini = 1 
  elseif !a:include_header
    let line_ini = line_ini + 1 
    let col_ini = 1 
  " line before delimiter or bottom of file
  let line_end = line_end ? line_end - 1 : line("$")
  let col_end = strlen(getline(line_end))

  call setpos("'<", [0, line_ini, col_ini, 0]) 
  call setpos("'>", [0, line_end, col_end, 0]) 
  normal! gv
  let current_mode = mode()
  if current_mode != "V" 
    normal! V

This error does not happen in Vim 8.1 with the same .vim files.
Klafyvel commented 1 year ago

Hi! thanks for reporting the issue, I'll see what I can do this weekend.

Onturenio commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the fast reply. Please note that after posting this I kept trying several things. Eventually, I updated Neovim to a newer version (I was using v0.4.3, now v0.8.2) and it works now without issues.