KlausT / ccminer-cryptonight

Software for mining various cryptocoins, like Monero (pool mining only)
GNU General Public License v3.0
133 stars 30 forks source link

Freezing. #62

Open AdriaanBoshoff opened 6 years ago

AdriaanBoshoff commented 6 years ago

So my computer freezes as its using 100% of my GTX 1060 6GB. Is there any way to not make it freeze?

auroracoin commented 6 years ago

The only way I know of is lower your launch configuration.

AdriaanBoshoff commented 6 years ago

would you mind helping? I'm new to mining.ccminer -q -o stratum+tcp://etn-eu1.nanopool.org:13333 -u etnjvqquchGRXUx6myrz7h5BqA8t2hawS2GdaeX1YhbWNM3bmShgjgKMquHTHx7a7vPN4ALFWWJV5YViFsKp28bu6Vi2n956uH.Miner1.removedemail -p x

auroracoin commented 6 years ago

I don't know the launch configuration for the 1060. First try -d 0 15x60 --bfactor=6. ... -l 15x60 is a launch configuration for a 1070. Up your --bfactor less instaming to max 11 minimum 0. Look at the readme file. Try also asking at https://webchat.freenode.net/ .... and http://ccminer.org/ Let me know if you got it working. ccminer-x64-2.2.2-cuda7.5.exe -a cryptonight -l 15x60 -d 0 --bfactor=6 -o stratum+tcp://electroneum.hashparty.io:5555 This is my batch file that is less instaming.. if I change --bfactor=6 to --bfactor 2..it very instaming but higher the --bfactor the less hashrate. EDIT: Try here too. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=770064.0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1739438.0