Klimatbyran / klimatkollen

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Add new team members to site #445

Open elvbom opened 3 months ago

elvbom commented 3 months ago

As Alex and Samuel have started full time, they should be added under "Our team" on About us. Pics and text should be written by Alex and Samuel, so issue can be solved in contact with them

elvbom commented 2 months ago

Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sdw5ek2Bz9WSER848ammEZNVCQi9B4_Y/view?usp=sharing

Swe text: Miljövetare med fokus på klimat och företagsdata. Tidigare erfarenhet från FN i Latinamerika, numera hemmastadd i Stockholms tech startup-scen för att driva klimatomställningen.

Eng text: Sustainability specialist with a focus on climate change and corporate ESG data. Previous experience from the UN in Latin America, now established in Stockholm's tech startup scene to accelerate climate mitigation.

elvbom commented 2 months ago

Alex is now on site!