Klink5D / biome-shiny

GUI for microbiome visualization, based on the shiny package "microbiome"
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Assorted enhancements and things that need to be done #3

Open Klink5D opened 5 years ago

Klink5D commented 5 years ago


Add a load data function to load data (you don't say) from phyloseq, BIOM tables and .csv files. Make any and all graphics interactive, if and when possible. Which is almost always.

Phyloseq summary:

Make the summary available in all tabs, or as a separate tab of its own, rather than a tab on the Alpha Diversity page. Format the text so that it's more readable.

Alpha diversity:

Table: Create checkbox to change which diversity measures (Shannon, Chao1, etc etc) are viewed. Turn it into an HTML table with the DT library. (This could probably move to General - I'll need it). Add search table, filters, and the like.

Klink5D commented 5 years ago

More things to consider:

User-selected plot colors Some kind of help tooltip Sort the various plots into tabs instead of just one below the other Adding onto the last one, sort the necessary values for each plot instead of just having them all on the same one sidebar Replace the "made by ya boi Bobo" logo at some point, in the far future

Klink5D commented 5 years ago

Dynamic resizing of tables if possible - if not, just make them as large as possible

Klink5D commented 5 years ago

Split the app into several server/panel modules, so as to make it easier to read and write in the future.