Klins101 / Peg-in-a-hole-insertion-using-DRL

Simulation and training a UR5 robot to accurately insert a pin into a hole using the CoppeliaSim simulator and catalyst-rl reinforcement library
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QMutex: destroying locked mutex #2

Open ccccccc-lab opened 1 month ago

ccccccc-lab commented 1 month ago

Hello,your research is very uesful for me !But ,i encountered some problems when i carry out run-traning.sh file. After running run-training.sh file the terminal displays QMutex error.Coppeliasim opens and after 2-3 seconds of grey screen it closes instantly. This happens twice everytime I run the run-training.sh file. I have also seen your answer on this question in the Catalist-RL-tutorial, but I still don't understand how to do it in detail. Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions.

Klins101 commented 1 month ago

Hello @ccccccc-lab, can you send screenshot of error code?

ccccccc-lab commented 1 month ago

project_error The above picture shows the error I made by running the run-training file. The tensorboard port number of the first window is occupied, which I can solve, but the error of the two Windows on the right cannot be solved.The specific case of the third and fourth errors is Coppeliasim opens and after 2-3 seconds of grey screen it closes instantly. This happens twice everytime I run the run-training.sh file.I saw the same error when you ran this project on https://github.com/arrival-ltd/catalyst-rl-tutorial/issues/12

Klins101 commented 1 month ago

Get me the full error log. You can run the individual commands and send me the errors

ccccccc-lab commented 1 month ago

the full error log: 详细错误 It displays the initialization file in Catalist.utils was not downloaded, but when I downloaded it to my computer. I would like to ask you this error, what are the detailed steps to solve it?