Closed bdn76 closed 5 years ago
That appears to be a standard "RepRapDiscount 2004 Smart Controller" display - see the section on that in the config/generic-ramps.cfg file.
Ok, i'm try this later. In which case should the display print meaningful information?
In other words, what is the degree of autonomy for displaying information?
Sorry, but not work:
In order for us to assist, you'll need to attach the Klipper log file - see:
I don't know why the display did not work. Generally (after a full power reset) the display wont show anything until it is initialized. So, it is odd that it is showing some data. I'd double check the wiring. Otherwise I don't have any additional advice.
I'm check wires - all wires are correct.
Yes, Same Problem with my 2004 display.
Any further luck with this?
No. I'm disconnect and power off disaplay.
Okay, I'm going to close this then. It is not known why it is not working and it doesn't look like there are any leads to getting it to work.
I recently had my stock Ender 3 main board lose its ability to control the bed temperature. Googling lead me to believe i needed a new main board. I got the MKS Gen 1.4 and the TMC2208 Stepper drivers.
All I see on the STOCK LCD is the backlight after repeated firmware updates.
Things I've tried -
Under a deadline to prints so I'm frustrated. Would appreciate any tips. thanks
What about MKS LCD2004_ML (two line, text based) support with MKS Gen_L V1.0