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Use TMC5160 / TMC2130 in UART instead of SPI mode? #3673

Closed Tomblarom closed 3 years ago

Tomblarom commented 3 years ago


I got a few TMC5160 for free, but these were early prototypes and have nothing is broken out. Therefore I'm not able to active SPI-mode (see). UART is enabled by default and no hardware modifications are required. Is it possible to use TMC5160 (and TMC2130?) in UART mode?

Tried setting uart_pin instead of cs_pin, but klippy.log throws this error: Option 'cs_pin' in section 'tmc5160 stepper_x' must be specified

Had to manually solder a thin-wire for diag0_pin.. 😅 image

KevinOConnor commented 3 years ago

The tmc2130 does not have the hardware support for uart mode and thus it can not be done.

The tmc5160 does support uart mode, but it hasn't been programmed in Klipper. If you have the hardware, have it wired, and are willing to test it, I can probably put together some test code. If so, let me know.


KevinOConnor commented 3 years ago

On a closer look, the tmc5160 may not support UART mode using the standard STEP/DIR interface. It's hard to tell from the specification. You could give it a try, but I suspect you'll have better luck wiring the SPI lines and using that mode.


Tomblarom commented 3 years ago

I got no documentation or pinout of my TMC5160. Watterott suspects my design is similar to v1.3 / v13. ~I was falsely assuming that UART is enabled by default and hoped to use UART instead~. I asked the support and they ensure that SPI is enabled by default: https://learn.watterott.com/silentstepstick/pinconfig/tmc5160/#operating-modes


Using DUMP_TMC stepper=stepper_x I'm getting the following output, which made me think, that there might be an issue, as you mentioned in this guide. That's why I wanted to try UART instead..

Recv: // ========== Write-only registers ==========
Recv: // COOLCONF:   000a0000 sgt=10
Recv: // IHOLD_IRUN: 00061f13 IHOLD=19 IRUN=31 IHOLDDELAY=6
Recv: // PWMCONF:    c40c001e PWM_OFS=30 pwm_autoscale=1 pwm_autograd=1 PWM_REG=4 PWM_LIM=12
Recv: // TPOWERDOWN: 0000000a TPOWERDOWN=10
Recv: // ========== Queried registers ==========
Recv: // GCONF:      00000000
Recv: // CHOPCONF:   00000000 MRES=0(256usteps)
Recv: // GSTAT:      00000000
Recv: // DRV_STATUS: 00000000
Recv: // FACTORY_CONF: 00000000
Recv: // IOIN:       00000000 VERSION=0x0
Recv: // LOST_STEPS: 00000000
Recv: // MSCNT:      00000000
Recv: // MSCURACT:   00000000
Recv: // OTP_READ:   00000000
Recv: // PWM_SCALE:  00000000
Recv: // PWM_AUTO:   00000000
Recv: // TSTEP:      00000000
Recv: ok
Tomblarom commented 3 years ago

I had two FYSETC TMC2130 v1.0 (solder-bridges set to SPI mode) laying around and tested if they work as expected.. Unfortunately not, same as in https://github.com/KevinOConnor/klipper/issues/2416, https://github.com/KevinOConnor/klipper/issues/1509 and https://github.com/KevinOConnor/klipper/issues/1368..

Even temporarily swapped the SKR 1.4T for an identical one, I had on hand. Tried USB instead of 3-wire serial. Tried disabling TMC2209, because I thought they may interfere, due to this unusual jumpering https://github.com/KevinOConnor/klipper/issues/3672.. Also tried setting PB0 ( SS/PCINT0 ) (in my case P0.16/RXD1/SSEL0/SSEL) like you suggested here for the FYSETC F6..

I don't know what to test else?

Tomblarom commented 3 years ago

I was able to track my issue down to two broken TMC2130 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Tested one by one. It was also important to have software spi pins defined.

From what I read, having issues like that, is always a configuration / hardware issue and has nothing to do with klipper.

@KevinOConnor I'd like to test the original topic UART on TMC5160, once I got new TMC5160s, since this may interest others in the future. Can't use the prototypes for this. I'd leave this issue opened due to that.

EDIT: I can use them, since they have UART already enabled. Can you "put something together", like you said? Watterott gave me the schematics (SSS_UART_V10.pdf) and told me that they won't work with step/dir-pins, as you expected.

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