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Clarify on some requirements for adaptive meshing #6476

Closed kyleisah closed 3 months ago

kyleisah commented 4 months ago

Just wanted to clarify that adaptive meshing relies on objects being defined by the exclude_object module, as well as some other small changes for better readability. I'm open to any other changes recommended to better fit the formatting of the rest of the documentation. Thank you!

Sineos commented 4 months ago

According to your KAMPS GH repository, setting

enable_object_processing: True

is also a prerequisite. Is this still true for the new implementation?

kyleisah commented 4 months ago

According to your KAMPS GH repository, setting

enable_object_processing: True

is also a prerequisite. Is this still true for the new implementation?

Yes and no, as some slicers have the ability to do it without moonraker needing to process the gcode file. It’s also a setting in moonraker and not klipper, so I wasn’t really sure of the best way to mention all of that. I left it in the realm of “make sure objects are being defined before the command is called” but I guess a new user might get hung up on that.

Sineos commented 4 months ago

Moonraker today is the de facto way to use Klipper. Likely, the numbers of Octoprint users are dwindling more and more, if not already insignificant. If this feature needs an interaction with Moonraker, even if only in some cases, I would vote for mentioning it. Also, in particular, since this Moonraker setting defaults to false. A regular user will not find out, why his setup is not working otherwise.

kyleisah commented 4 months ago

@Sineos Oh wow, so I just double checked the exclude object modules readme here and there’s no mention of defining [file_manager] in moonraker or anything like that.

I agree that these things should be mentioned and laid out, but I want them to be in places that make sense. I can make some updates to the .md for exclude_object to include setting it up in moonraker, or have it point to moonraker’s documentation for it. What do you think is best?

kyleisah commented 4 months ago

Perhaps I could also expand on the adaptive meshing section a bit further with a small table of prerequisites, similar to the documentation for KAMP

Sineos commented 4 months ago

I'm not the expert, but if enable_object_processing: True is a general prerequisite for successfully using [exclude_object], then I would mention it in both places, i.e.:

Something like:

Using Moonraker requires enable_object_processing: True in the [file_manager] section of the moonraker.conf file.

jernejp21 commented 4 months ago

I really appreciate you are documenting everything. I just found out today for adaptive mesh functionality and wanted to test it out, but reading documentation I had no success. I tried to put [exclude_object] in printer.cfg, but still whole bed is probed.

I would appreciate more details what is expected in config files or slicer to correctly set up g-code for parsing. I know this is brand new feature and it's early. I just wanted to express that some info is still missing.

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KevinOConnor commented 3 months ago

Thanks for working on this. What is the current status of this PR? Is there a consensus on a documentation change?


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