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Update Measuring_Resonances.md #6515

Closed TheParanoidEngineer closed 3 months ago

TheParanoidEngineer commented 3 months ago

[Module] Measuring_Resonances

[Change Point] Changed libopenblas-base to libopenblas-dev.

[Change Reason] Current instructions cause NumPy installation failure on host machines running Debian Bookworm.

[Change Background/Evidence] Package Support table: libopenblas-base libopenblas-dev Reference
Debian Buster Supported Supported Buster openblas
Debian Bullseye Supported Supported Bullseye openblas
Debian Bookworm Not Supported Supported Bookworm openblas

The table above shows that libopenblas-base is not supported by Bookworm, while libopenblas-dev is supported by all three.

This change should have improved compatibility with host devices (especially with more devices moving to Bookworm).

[Test Result] The new instructions have been tested on a fresh install of PiOS Lite (Bookworm) on a Pi5. NumPy (and supporting packages) were installed successfully without errors: image

Signed-off-by: Philip Weber philiprweb@gmail.com

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your contribution to Klipper. Unfortunately, a reviewer has not assigned themselves to this GitHub Pull Request. All Pull Requests are reviewed before merging, and a reviewer will need to volunteer. Further information is available at: https://www.klipper3d.org/CONTRIBUTING.html

There are some steps that you can take now:

  1. Perform a self-review of your Pull Request by following the steps at: https://www.klipper3d.org/CONTRIBUTING.html#what-to-expect-in-a-review If you have completed a self-review, be sure to state the results of that self-review explicitly in the Pull Request comments. A reviewer is more likely to participate if the bulk of a review has already been completed.
  2. Consider opening a topic on the Klipper Discourse server to discuss this work. The Discourse server is a good place to discuss development ideas and to engage users interested in testing. Reviewers are more likely to prioritize Pull Requests with an active community of users.
  3. Consider helping out reviewers by reviewing other Klipper Pull Requests. Taking the time to perform a careful and detailed review of others work is appreciated. Regular contributors are more likely to prioritize the contributions of other regular contributors.

Unfortunately, if a reviewer does not assign themselves to this GitHub Pull Request then it will be automatically closed. If this happens, then it is a good idea to move further discussion to the Klipper Discourse server. Reviewers can reach out on that forum to let you know if they are interested and when they are available.

Best regards, ~ Your friendly GitIssueBot

PS: I'm just an automated script, not a human being.

dmbutyugin commented 3 months ago

In principle, I see no problem with this change. It seems this should also work on ubuntu (and ubuntu-based armbian). However, the code contributions need to follow the guidelines. Specifically here, the commit(s) need to have a signed-off-by line with the real name (see point 3 there).

TheParanoidEngineer commented 3 months ago

In principle, I see no problem with this change. It seems this should also work on ubuntu (and ubuntu-based armbian). However, the code contributions need to follow the guidelines. Specifically here, the commit(s) need to have a signed-off-by line with the real name (see point 3 there).

Maybe I am not understanding, but is the below by-line in my original post not sufficient?


Sineos commented 3 months ago

The change makes sense. Indeed, I also missed the fact the libopenblas-base is handled differently between the major releases. libopenblas-dev is a common denominator.

KevinOConnor commented 3 months ago

