Klipper3d / klipper

Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
8.95k stars 5.16k forks source link

Added btt-kraken-v1.0 board definition #6521

Closed bra1nDeaD closed 3 months ago

bra1nDeaD commented 3 months ago

I've successfully flashed the firmware using the flash-sdcard.sh script on my BTT Kraken board.

JamesH1978 commented 3 months ago

Thank you for submitting a PR, pleas refer to point 3 in "What to expect in a review" in https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md and provide a signed off by line.

Thanks James

bra1nDeaD commented 3 months ago

You're free to do with this as you like. Consider it signed off. But I'm not posting my email address publicly. If you can't progress this PR, then so be it. Maybe someone else can make the same change and sign it off. I was just trying to be helpful and provide this as I needed it and others might too, but it's no skin off my back.

JamesH1978 commented 3 months ago

I can see why you feel that way. you also have this option? https://docs.github.com/en/account-and-profile/setting-up-and-managing-your-personal-account-on-github/managing-email-preferences/setting-your-commit-email-address#setting-your-commit-email-address-on-github

Thanks James