Klipper3d / klipper

Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware
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Add motor resonance reduction to shapers. #6556

Open andrewmcgr opened 2 months ago

andrewmcgr commented 2 months ago

This adds an MZV shaper with configurable parameters to each axis.

Zeanon commented 2 months ago

Could you elaborate a little on how one would calibrate those params? I was already pretty intrigued when frix posted the initial pr to increase the amount of shaper pulses so I would love to try that out

andrewmcgr commented 2 months ago

You'd, for example, use a recent version of K-ShakeTune to find your motor resonance and damping factor for each axis (they'll be the same for, e.g., corexy).

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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dmbutyugin commented 1 month ago

This can be an interesting feature indeed. And code-wise, it is rather straightforward. However, it would be great to see some quantitative effect of this feature. Which could be, for instance, measuring the resonance frequency of the steppers on a few printers, showing the value of those frequencies and if/how these resonances affect the printing (e.g. artifacts on the model, audible noise (at accelerations/decelerations?), etc.), and what does this feature do to it. Perhaps Klipper discourse could be a great starting point for these discussions.

Frix-x commented 1 month ago

@dmbutyugin just for reference, https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper/pull/6460 was done in order to implement this. Andrew and I are discussing a lot together and with other Voron contributors about this on Discord. There are already a few people experimenting with it.

It's pretty hard to quantify the effects directly, because we had different results depending on the machines:

dmbutyugin commented 1 month ago

Well, the point is, if the benefits of the change are unclear, then it should probably be in some experimental branch until the change is refined. So that's why I was asking questions how does it affect the prints. And (but this is mostly my curiosity), what are the typical resonance frequencies of the motors?

At high-level, it seems counter-intuitive that you could get better microstepping (and avoid resonances of the motor) by applying an input shaper tuned for a stepper motor frequency. This is because: