I finished going through three years of Mark's data squirrel by squirrel, and there are numerous instances of mismatched records between the behaviour LTD and trapping LTD. I've tried to keep track of every single one here - including record numbers.
squirrel 6388 is recorded as dead on 2005-07-30, but has behaviour record on 2005-08-17 (record 58995)
squirrel 6355 is recorded as dead on 2005-07-09, but has behaviour record on 2005-08-06 (record 56953)
squirrel 6366 has a dead record date of 2005-07-24 in behaviour records, but the comments say 2005-07-16 (record 55007)
squirrel 6677 has multiple death records (behaviour records: 54296 54297 63830 74559 and trapping records: 65000 68558)
squirrel 16836 was not seen at N2, later trapped and tagged on Sept 13, 2005 and given the colours G/G* and new squirrel ID 6544
squirrel 6345 is recorded as dead on 2005-07-05, but comments say death is july 2
squirrel 6465 is recorded as dead on 2005-09-03, but in the comments it appears it was euthanasized. Behaviour detail says 5 (unknown). Not sure is this should be changed to 0 (detailed in comments) or 6 (trapping/handling/collaring) given it was euthanisized
(example of a bigger problem) squirrel 10141 all the behaviour records for this squirrel have NA as the locx so I cannot determine settlement location (e.g., record 61620) - This is happening for many of the ~290 juveniles I am trying to determine settlement location for. I usually am able to figure it out from reading the comments and this may be a problem if others are trying to use these records because they will not be able to infer location from just the locx/locy alone.
squirrel 6339 has two death records (53006 and 53005) in behaviour file
squirrel 6388 died on 2005-07-30, but has a behaviour record (58995) on 2005-08-17
squirrel 8048 on 2006-04-19 in the trapping LTD has record 67982 that has a fate of dead (with comments to back this up), but it has numerous records after suggesting it is alive (68142, 68670, 68803, 69114, 71800, 71801, 72980, 81446). I am guessing the death record is wrong/the head found belongs to an unknown squirrel and this record 67982 should be deleted to avoid future confusion
squirrel 6842 - in the litter LTD this juv was born in 2005 (litter id 3367), but in the behaviour LTD (53055) it says this is an adult squirrel (that goes on to kill another females juvenile - beh record 53056) <- something is amiss here
squirrel 6998 has a death record (76189) in behaviour LTD that is missing a "detail" (code 2) - comment does not correspond to same date trapping record 71008 (where it says in the comments "goshawk predation, NAD83 661476/6760005")
squirrel 7644 is recorded as dead in behaviour LTD (82170) and trapping LTD (76233) but is recorded in behaviour LTD afterwards (84422)
squirrel 10318 has a death record (7858) in behaviour LTD, but nothing in trapping LTD, detail is blank - consider using code "5"
squirrel 6898 has a behaviour record (67397) with a detail that means interacting with mom (detail "5"), but the comments make it seem like the squirrel was eating another squirrel (squirrel id 6914). Might need to change behaviour and detail to reflect this.
squirrel 6939 behaviour record 73895 should have detail "1" (see record 70239 in trapping for confirmation) <- also note that locx/locy do not match for these death records
squirrel 8297 death record in trapping (82957) code for ft might be more accurate as 12 not 5
squirrel 6862 behaviour record 71386 should have detail "2" (see record 69634 in trapping for confirmation) - again, the locx/locy are wildly different between these two records
squirrel 7128 has a behaviour record 65157 that says it died, but the comments mention ear tags that belong to no squirrel I can seem to find... (tag "D7435") <- note that I am confident that it squirrel 7128 is not dead because it was radio-collared and followed well after this behaviour record death date
squirrel 6870 has two behaviour record (68058 and 71014) and trap record (69542) that indicates it is dead, but then it was trapped (69683) after - I am guessing this must be a collar that disappeared/got taken off by a mother and left in a tree that just happened to have a nest in it (this happened on numerous occasions to me and we spent a lot of time climbing trees to retrieve these collars). Note that beh record 68058 makes comment of a tag "D4948" that does not match this squirrel
squirrel 6706 behaviour record 65663 missing "detail" - detail should be 6 (unnatural death due to collaring)
squirrel 6735 died. Trapping record 68885 says it had a puncture and was euthanised. Behaviour record 66509 has no "detail" - consider using 5 (unknown cause) or possibly 6 (not sure if the puncture mentioned in trapping record was human caused or not)
squirrel 6826 died. Trapping record 69401 says it was goshawk - behaviour record 70305 has not "detail" - add in detail 2 (avian).
squirrel 6838 died. Trapping record 69496 says it was a marten - behaviour record 70592 has not "detail" - add in detail 1 (terrestrial mammal).
I finished going through three years of Mark's data squirrel by squirrel, and there are numerous instances of mismatched records between the behaviour LTD and trapping LTD. I've tried to keep track of every single one here - including record numbers.