I was trying to use ALRA through Seurat 4.0, and after I normalize the data, and then I run ALRA. I noticed that ALRA will create an new assay, called "alra". I assume under the "alra" assay, the data slot is our "updated" lognormalized data, right? however, the counts slot is empty, which leads to the following warning when I use FindVariableFeatures function:
In FindVariableFeatures.Assay(object = assay.data, selection.method = selection.method, :
selection.method set to 'vst' but count slot is empty; will use data slot instead
Will this cause any trouble in the following analysis?
I was trying to use ALRA through Seurat 4.0, and after I normalize the data, and then I run ALRA. I noticed that ALRA will create an new assay, called "alra". I assume under the "alra" assay, the data slot is our "updated" lognormalized data, right? however, the counts slot is empty, which leads to the following warning when I use FindVariableFeatures function:
In FindVariableFeatures.Assay(object = assay.data, selection.method = selection.method, : selection.method set to 'vst' but count slot is empty; will use data slot instead
Will this cause any trouble in the following analysis?