I have been doing impuation with ALRA for past few days and results seems really promising for my data s it keeps the biological variation intact. However, I need to supply this data into SCENIC to find the active Transcription factors. For this I need the exprMat of the data. I usually derive it using the following code;
I have been doing impuation with ALRA for past few days and results seems really promising for my data s it keeps the biological variation intact. However, I need to supply this data into SCENIC to find the active Transcription factors. For this I need the exprMat of the data. I usually derive it using the following code;
exprMat<-GetAssayData(seurat, slot = "counts") exprMat<-as.matrix(exprMat)
However, this is giving me 0 x0 matrix. How can I get the exprMat from alra data? @JunZhao1990 @linqiaozhi
Thank you in advance