Open Angle28 opened 1 week ago
Hi @Angle28,
It seems to be an issue with reticulate, but I am not sure about what is causing it. Can you try recreating the virtual environment? If it doesn't work, can you post the steps you are doing to create the environment, python version and OS you are using?
Hello, I re-created the environment, but I still can't. I operate in jopyterLab. The python version I use is 3.9.12, the version of reticulate package is 1.25, and the version of GeneTrajectory package is 1.0.0
Hello, I would like to ask you, after the virtual environment is successfully created, what is the Error of reticulate::use_virtualenv('gene_trajectory')? Error in python_config_impl(python): Error 1 occurred running /share/home/bgi_idbmarx/.virtualenvs/gene_trajectory/bin/python: Resource temporarily unavailable Traceback:
1.reticulate::use_virtualenv("gene_trajectory") 2.use_python(python, required = required) 3.python_config(python) 4.python_config_impl(python) 5.stop("Error ", status, " occurred running ", python, ": ", errmsg)