KnightElmojr / CrashCourse-2023

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Логін #15

Open KnightElmojr opened 1 year ago

KnightElmojr commented 1 year ago

As a customer i want to log in my account so that i can use it

Scenario: User logs in with valid data Given: The user navigates to any page of store When: The user clicks on log in button Then: Pop-up menu with Username and Password inputs appears Given: The user types in valid username and password When: The user clicks on confirm button Then: The system logs in the user

Scenario: User logs in with invalid data Given: The user navigates to any page of store When: The user clicks on log in button Then: Pop-up menu with Username and Password inputs appears Given: The user types in invalid username and password When: The user clicks on confirm button Then: The system shows message "Username or password is wrong"