KnightHacks / projects-proposals-2021

The centralized location for all projects proposal submissions for the the fall 2021 semester.
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Internship/Job Tracker and helper (Working title) #9

Open JulioC-19 opened 2 years ago

JulioC-19 commented 2 years ago

What is your full name?

Julio Alva

What is your Knights email?

Are you interested in presenting your idea at the interest meeting?


What's your idea about?

What is the main purpose of your project? The project's purpose is to create an internship and job tracker, where you can keep your search organized, look for jobs in many different websites and help you craft a nice looking resume.

What is the problem you are trying to solve, if there is one (there doesn't have to be!)? Internship and job hunting is a time consuming task, word in the street is that you must at least apply to 200 jobs and internships to increase your chances of even getting a call back!. What if we could automate the process and have your program do all of this for you in a few minutes?

What group of people is this project targeted for? This is targeted to anyone that is willing to learn as we go and needs a project to put on their resume!

What platform do you want to develop this project for? This is intended for college students and if done right it could be even be put on as an open source project

What are some of the important features of this project? Keep it simple. Performance Security

How do these features impact user experience? The program has to be easy to use for the user. It needs to be efficient, the point is apply to as many jobs as it can that fit the criteria. We'll experiment with the number of applications but 200 would be great.

How are you planning to tackle some of these features or any potential challenges you forsee? Some research would be needed to be able to answer this hehe.

What language(s) and/or technologies do you think you would want to use on this project (if you don't have anything specific, don't answer this)? Python, flask, SQL and MAYBE some machine learning.

Quick Note: I'm not an expert at any of this by no means, but the very best way to learn and improve our skills is to take on a challenge way above our skillset. I'm only decent with python so it will be a great learning experience for myself and anyone that would like to tackle this. There is no skill requirements for this , just the drive to learn and the tolerance to fail many many times until we get it right :)

ElijahMSmith commented 2 years ago

I would use this literally all the time. My current organization strategy is a bunch of links in a google doc. I know there are better ways to do this, but I can't be arsed to put in that much more time when its the applications that should take the most time.

This sounds like a web app to me. You listed a lot of backend technologies (Python and Flash are for hosting the server). There will also have to be some people working on the front end, which could be one of a large number of objects. Flutter, React, other JS frameworks, anything really. There might also be something for Python that I've never used. I wouldn't be surprised.

I would pivot this project initially towards either looking for applications from lots of different sites OR managing your applications by user input. I think both are going to be really big ideas and you probably won't get to both in one semester. After the semester is over, if you keep up the idea or make it open source, that would be a great time to put them both back on the table. You don't have to make that decision now obviously, but when your group gets formed they will have to make that decision.

Excellent idea!