KnightMiner / Inspirations

Mod adding various smaller features to Minecraft
MIT License
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Bug/Crash tooltip with Enchanted Shield with Banner #192

Closed bootstrapbill22 closed 3 years ago

bootstrapbill22 commented 3 years ago

One of my players enchanted a shield that had an ominous banner pattern applied to it, and at that point kept crashing out of the game. We don't know what the enchant was as mousing over the shield causes the crash. He was able to drop the shield into a hopper, at which point he remained in game, and when the shield is moused over in the hopper the client of whoever does so crashes.

I'm assuming this is Inspiration caused as this is the only mod referenced in the crash and the reference is to fixShieldTooltip. Pastebin of crash log:

We can just avoid enchanting patterned shields so no big issue for us. I just hope the log is helpful. Have a good day.

KnightMiner commented 3 years ago

Disable the client config option for fixShieldTooltip. If I remember, it's just a whitespace fix. I'll look into properly fixing this when I have more time.

HonestAngel commented 3 years ago

I had the same problem, but it was because I opened a chest with an shield from your mod.... Crashed twice...


KnightMiner commented 3 years ago

Fixed in 1.2.2