KnightMiner / Inspirations

Mod adding various smaller features to Minecraft
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Locks don't stop Chest from being broken in my modpack. #208

Closed Camawama closed 3 years ago

Camawama commented 3 years ago

I wish they had a spoiler option on this but here is a list of active mods. I don't see how any of these could be a problem that stops locks from functioning properly...unless it is already possible. I was in creative, put a lock on a chest, and had my friend try and break it (in survival). He couldn't open the chest, but he could break it...that, in my eyes is a problem.

Camawama commented 3 years ago

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KnightMiner commented 3 years ago

Locks simply expose a vanilla mechanic in survival, they are simply a deterrent, like locks in real life. The point is not your friend cannot rob you, the point is you know if your friend robs you.

Additionally, letting people craft an unbreakable block is just too easy to abuse by griefers. Imagine your base surrounded by chests you cannot break. So no, I have no plans to make them unbreakable. If you have an idea to solve this problem without making it unbreakable I would be interested in hearing it.