The current solution that pushes the install results to a git repostiry does not work well.
Github complains about checked-in binary files in the github pages.
Cloning the result repositories from my NAS takes too long because of lacking main memory.
The publish / archive step in the build-pipeline needs to be customizable. So this is what we need to do:
Find a way to enable injecting a custom archive / publish mechanic into the build-script.
Implement one mechanic that pushes the results to a private conan-server. It also needs to copy the result to the web-server.
Implement one mechanic that pushed the documentation to the repository and creates a github release that contains the rest of the package. (
Remove the updateResultsRepository.cmake script from CPFCMake.
Give clients more controll over the install targets if neccessary. (Allow adding installed components to a global install_release target, let the user define custom install prefixes per install component)
The current solution that pushes the install results to a git repostiry does not work well.
The publish / archive step in the build-pipeline needs to be customizable. So this is what we need to do: