KnossosNET / Knossos.NET

Repository for the Knossos.NET launcher, currently in development.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sorting issue (play tab) #147

Closed EatThePath closed 4 months ago

EatThePath commented 5 months ago

I'm unclear exactly what is happening here, but Knossos is not quite sorting by name at startup. My KNDN starts up looking like: image Now in this state I can't click on 'Sort by Name', so I assume the tool expects it to be sorted by name right now. But if I click to another option and then back to name, it becomes: image

at first I thought it might be initially sorted by folder names, but war of neptune wouldn't be up there if it was. My best guess is that it is not sorting by the right version's name initially, the release versions of Warmachine are named "Warmachine" and the unreleased dev versions are named "!Warmachine" to pop to the top for my own convenience, and I have local copies of both versions. The initial sorting is consistent with the first and the explicitly sorted by name is consistent with the later.

JohnAFernandez commented 4 months ago

I think I'm seeing the behavior on my end. Just creating a mod ABC, BCD, CDE, then renaming BCD to !BCD seems to trigger !BCD being sorted in the middle until the screen is switched back to sort by name.

JohnAFernandez commented 4 months ago

Afaict, your understanding of the problem was partially correct. But Knossos was also trying to set it to Sort by name on start and invariably failing because of a load order issue and a faulty check. See the PR for more detail.