KnossosNET / Knossos.NET

Repository for the Knossos.NET launcher, currently in development.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FR: Clean Nightlies button in Engine tab #172

Closed MjnMixael closed 1 month ago

MjnMixael commented 3 months ago

I'm sure there are a lot of developers like me that download a new nightly almost every day. It'd be handy to have a single button that can clean them up.. say delete all nightlies leaving RCs and Stable intact. With each stable release and a single click I can save a bunch of disk space rather than having to do it all manually.

JohnAFernandez commented 3 months ago

Doesn't sound too hard, tbh. I'll just make sure there's some kind of confirmation. I'll put it on the 1.2 milestone.