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Reification points to RDF 1.1 Concepts, which does not talk about reification #17

Closed aidhog closed 1 year ago

aidhog commented 1 year ago

In Section 3.3.2 the book cites the RDF 1.1 spec for RDF reification, but the spec does not mention RDF reification. (Thanks to Stefan Bischof for pointing this out.)

Probably need to cite something else here.

Was reification deprecated in RDF 1.1? The concepts document seems to be silent on reification, collections, and lists, but presumably at least lists are still part of the standard (OWL depends on them). Also the RDF 1.1 Semantics document still considers vocabulary like rdf:subject, rdf:List, etc.

Antoine-Zimmermann commented 1 year ago

RDF reification is something that RDF Schema deals with. Like lists, containers etc. RDF semantics provides the semantics not only to the basic abstract syntax of RDF, but also to the RDFS vocabulary. The RDFS vocabulary contains all the terms defined under rdf: and rdfs: namespaces because the distinction between rdf: and rdfs: is merely an accident of history.

Antoine-Zimmermann commented 1 year ago

So, the reference we must put for RDF reification is RDF 1.1 Schema, Section 5.3.

stefanbischof commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the clarification Antoine!

aidhog commented 1 year ago

Changed the reference to the RDFS spec in the HTML, PHP and LaTeX.

(Likewise changed the reference for n-ary relations to RDFS 1.1 instead of RDF 1.1. It's not ideal as the RDFS 1.1 spec does not mention the phrase n-ary relation, but it does define rdf:value at least. We don't have a better ref in the bib.)