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Double quotes in Section 7.1.1 should be straight #32

Open Antoine-Zimmermann opened 1 year ago

Antoine-Zimmermann commented 1 year ago

The double quotes surrounding a lexical form of a datatype node should be straight: " as opposed to and .

aidhog commented 1 year ago

I replaced all and in literals with ', but the font tends to display these as very subtle for some reason. :(

Feel free to reopen if not happy with this and we can maybe wrap a span to change the font for the quotes.


Antoine-Zimmermann commented 1 year ago

At the moment, the font for gnodes is wrong, and ' makes a straight single quote. There should be double quotes there.

Antoine-Zimmermann commented 1 year ago

The "straight" double quote character does not look straight in the font used previously there (cmss8). Thinking about it, I find that the opening and closing double quotes and look better, and there is not strong reason to use straight quotes as this is not showing an actual serialisation syntax.

Antoine-Zimmermann commented 1 year ago

Another option that I find pretty good is to use <span class="gnode"><code>"2020-03-29T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime</code></span>, <span class="gnode"><code>"Santiago"</code></span>, and <span class="gnode"><code>"City"@en</code></span>.