KnowledgeCanvas / knowledge

Knowledge is a tool for saving, searching, accessing, exploring and chatting with all of your favorite websites, documents and files.
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[Feature]: Custom Export Mechanism #32

Closed RobRoyce closed 2 years ago

RobRoyce commented 2 years ago

The current export mechanism (provided by PrimeNG) does not do a sufficient job at exporting the appropriate fields.

A good export mechanism would have the following properties:

  1. Allow export to CSV, JSON, and PDF (where CSV and JSON get KS data/metadata, but PDF is the rendered content of a KS)
  2. Allow the user to select exactly which fields will be included in the export
  3. Fields are correctly serialized for export to a flat file format (i.e. object and array de-structuring may be necessary)
  4. PDF generation is "mindful" of the specific content the user is interested in preserving (if possible [?])

Another really important feature is the export of KS in the form of citations and/or references. We already have most of the primitives to make this happen.

RobRoyce commented 2 years ago

Added in v0.6.0