KnowledgeCaptureAndDiscovery / DISK-legacy

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Project configuration #15

Closed hvarg closed 4 years ago

hvarg commented 4 years ago

I've some problems with the imports of the disk-server. The first time I try to open disk-project-server/server/config I get an error 500: Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 15 58 34 Only happens the first time, but the problem goes silent in the browser for next executions.

In eclipse I can see the log: Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 15 54 08

So I guess is a problem with the imports. I've added the resources in eclipse as follow: Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 16 03 42 But the problem still happens.

This makes the disk-client to be inestable, sometimes I can see and edit the pages but in some cases I'm getting this error (400 or so times until my system has no RAM): Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 15 13 40

Whats the proper way to load the project imports?

hvarg commented 4 years ago

The problem was the version of Java that the Tomcat server was using, changed to JavaSE8 (1.8) and seems to work now