KnowledgeExpert / selenidejs

User-oriented Web UI browser tests in JavaScript (Selenide port to JS)
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let's remove all text, isVisible, attribute, etc methods from Element.* #60

Open yashaka opened 5 years ago

yashaka commented 5 years ago


SelenideJs = TESTS automation TOOL, not a BROWSER automation TOOL The point to have Element class over WebElement class is to have "business user oriented API" to use in tests.

What are tests?

Tests = steps + asserts

So our api is mainly: commands (used in steps) and should(condition) (used as asserts).

The only need for query style of methods like text or attribute, and predicate style of methods like isVisible, hasText - are in some "if-statement" workarounds... These cases are rare, and for them we can use Element.matches(condition) method, for example:

if (await element.matches(has.text('foo'))) {
    // ...

It is a bit less concise, but yet readable, and more powerfull - we can't afford to reflect all conditions in built in element methods, so why then bother by adding just a few of them, like classic "webelementish" text/attribute/isDisplayed/isEnabled... ?


By this we are also making our API cleaner, making it to "have only one way to perform a task".

alex-popov-tech commented 5 years ago

sounds reasonable :)