KnugiHK / WhatsApp-Chat-Exporter

A customizable Android and iOS/iPadOS WhatsApp database parser that will give you the history of your WhatsApp conversations in HTML and JSON. Android Backup Crypt12, Crypt14, Crypt15, and new schema supported.
MIT License
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Very long vCards filenames #51

Closed kintaro1981 closed 1 year ago

kintaro1981 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I noticed during my nextcloud sync that some vCards filename is very long (NC can't sync files with filename > of 250 characters).

Is it possibile to trim the filenames? If the filenames are needed this long can I delete some vCards? Am I going to break something in html chats?

KnugiHK commented 1 year ago

Hmm, I already tried to limit the file name to < 250 characters due to the length limit of a file name in EXT4 and NTFS. Perhaps the limit should be further reduced?

If you delete the vCards file, it will not break anything in the HTML.

KnugiHK commented 1 year ago

The new limit to the vCard file name is released in 0.9.5.

duracotton commented 11 months ago

@KnugiHK Still an open problem as the vcard target path length is important, not the vcard file name length alone. If the target path length of the vcard is > 256 chars the tool still throws an error on Windows. So the tool should be aware what the base path is and its length and then substract it from 256 so you know what the allowed max vcard file name is and them trim it down to that value.

KnugiHK commented 11 months ago

Once I confirm the problem mentioned by @duracotton, I will reopen this issue.