This branch gives us a significant strong base to the retakes system to move on from.
Future plans will be to firstly start the base of the gameplay system, which would be the
final puzzle piece of the player manager. (and planter mechanism soon enough)
Database - Light weight database management. Mainly implemented on other modules, such as the configuration system. (and hopefully weapon menu in the future)
Configuration system - Provides a fully in-game interface for root administrators to interact with the map spawn area.
Spawn Manager - Last but not least. Generates random spawn origin and angles by the configuration spawn areas for the map.
Nav Mesh - Provides an API to for SourcePawn which exposes game navigation mesh functions. Mainly used in configuration system.
This branch gives us a significant strong base to the retakes system to move on from. Future plans will be to firstly start the base of the gameplay system, which would be the final puzzle piece of the player manager. (and planter mechanism soon enough)