KochPJ / AutoPoseEstimation

MIT License
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UR5 #1

Open meowatthemoon opened 2 years ago

meowatthemoon commented 2 years ago


By any chance could you make available the TestController that you used for the UR5 robot?

I'm new in terms of working with UR, and I have a UR3 available, where I need to capture data for some objects to test your method, and for that, I want to create a dataset for some objects I have around the Lab (I'm a PhD student and I'm getting started in this area so I would be thankful with as much help as I could get).

Thank You.

KochPJ commented 2 years ago


thanks for your interest in this project. The TestController belongs to Fraunhofer, I cannot not share their code in public - also you would need their protocoll. But basically you just need to write some Controller which allows you to run basic funktions like set_pose(), get_pose(). I would recommand to look into Ros and MoveIt. They have some nice guides for you how to connect your pc with the robot controller. E.g see here

Hope this helps you.

meowatthemoon commented 2 years ago

Ok, thank you. I will do that.