KodarKooperativet / BlackPlayer

BlackPlayer Issue & FAQ
Apache License 2.0
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Song lyrics #27

Open mekk1t opened 3 years ago

mekk1t commented 3 years ago

Hey, man! I'd like to find out whether you're open to collaborations? Yes, you've stated that the player is a closed software project, but maybe it might be opened if you pass some kind of a test, haha!

My friend likes your player a lot but unfortunately there's no built-in lyrics support. As he says, the player just opens up a browser link.

Could you please elaborate on that? Why isn't this part of the player? I'm just curious and would like to implement such a feature myself. Or try at least. If you let me.

I specify in C# backend development and completely new to mobile [In mobile specifics and UI, I'm pretty good at building solid backend], but if you'd let me participate -- I'd sharpen my skills and then later contact with you again. @KodarKooperativet