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Keyboard input not working on Endeavour OS (Arch Linux) #834

Closed ClintFlames closed 8 months ago

ClintFlames commented 8 months ago

Keyboard input events not working. They just do nothing.

OS: Endeavour OS (basically Arch). IDE: VScode Kha: b90792d0

What i did:

$ git clone https://github.com/Kha-Samples/Empty.git
$ cd Empty
$ git submodule update --init
$ Kha/get_dlc

And added these lines:

    k -> trace('keydown: $k'),
    k -> trace('keyup: $k'),
    k -> trace('keypress: $k')

Mouse.get().notify((b, x, y) -> trace('mouse x: $x y: $y'));

html5 debug is giving expected result (keyboard events working). But on linux (OpenGL, Vulkan) builds keyboard input not working. Mouse is working on both targets.

ClintFlames commented 8 months ago

After that i also did:

$ cd Kha
$ git pull origin main
$ ./get_dlc

So my Kha version is 6183792 now. And everything still same.

RobDangerous commented 8 months ago

That seems to be specific to your system. Please provide the Kha build output (and in the future please use the issue template).

ClintFlames commented 8 months ago

Ok. I deleted build dir and run build with that command

node /home/clintflames/workdir/projects/haxe/Empty/Kha/make.js linux --compile --graphics opengl > kha_build.log.txt

And here is kha_build.log.txt. Also app is started spamming recovered from ALSA error code=-32 in logs (I think I didnt notice it yesterday).

ClintFlames commented 8 months ago

I tested it a bit more and found out the problem appears on wayland, but x11 seems fine.