Kode / Krom

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Building errors/warnings #63

Closed AFWSI closed 6 years ago

AFWSI commented 6 years ago


I'm having issues trying to build with Visual Studio 2017. I've tried with toolkit 141 and 140 and I get errors and warnings with both. Here's a list of 9 errors and 35 warnings, this was with toolkit 140. krom_errors.txt

RobDangerous commented 6 years ago

Look like you use a newer version of Kore than the one Krom currently points to.

AFWSI commented 6 years ago

OK, I started over. This is what I did to get code from github.

git clone git://github.com/Kode/Krom.git cd Krom git submodule update --init --recursive

I now get the following one error and 30 warnings. Not sure what I'm not doing right.

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2039 'generateMipmaps': is not a member of 'Kore::Graphics4::RenderTarget' Krom c:\blender-git\krom\sources\main.cpp 1507

RobDangerous commented 6 years ago

That one was a proper problem, even the repo pointed to a wrong version of Kore after a pull request. Give it another try now and make sure to select x64 in Visual Studio in the Win32/x64 dropdown.