Koder-Teh / Boombox-Controller

Allows you to easily upload a track to the boombox by specifying a link. Game: Lethal Company
MIT License
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Issues in Main Menu and In-Game #17

Closed AndrewM521 closed 8 months ago

AndrewM521 commented 8 months ago

These issue were tested in both LAN and Online with Boombox Controller as the only installed plugin on game v49.

Issue 1. When starting up Lethal Company and selecting the either option, the BepInEx CMD window gives a "Directory Not Found Exception" image

Issue 2. When doing /bplay and a boombox is not spawned in the map, the CMD window will give a null object reference.

Issue 3. When doing /bplay , and it says "The track was uploaded to the boombox", the music does not start. The boombox UI says there is 1 available track but doing /btrack does not start the song either.

Koder-Teh commented 8 months ago

These issue were tested in both LAN and Online with Boombox Controller as the only installed plugin on game v49.

Привет! В данный момент мод поддерживается только на версии v47. Это вроде как последняя версия этой игры. У меня игра не лицензионная, я не могу точно сказать.

Issue 1. When starting up Lethal Company and selecting the either option, the BepInEx CMD window gives a "Directory Not Found Exception"

BepInEx должен обязательно находится в папке игры. Без него мой мод и другие моды, работать не будут. Обязательно его установите.

Issue 2. When doing /bplay and a boombox is not spawned in the map, the CMD window will give a null object reference.

Ошибку выдает потому что либо, вы не ввели ссылку в аргументы команды. Либо бумбокса нет на карте. Это в принципе логично. Исправлять ошибки буду по мере необходимости.

Issue 3. When doing /bplay , and it says "The track was uploaded to the boombox", the music does not start. The boombox UI says there is 1 available track but doing /btrack does not start the song either.

Скорее всего команда не работает потому что у вас нету BepInEx в папке игры. Я не знаю, чем вы можете пользоваться для запуска игры. Могу предположить что вы используете мод менеджер. Обязательно скиньте логи BepInEx. Так же logReport.txt по пути: "Lethal Company\BoomboxController\logReport.txt". Обязательно решим проблему :)

  • The only way that I was able to start a song was by pausing the CMD window. When unpausing the CMD window, the music stops.

Я пока не могу точно предположить с чем это связанно. Так как не имею не логов на руках. Я вообще тестировал мод на пиратской версии игры, и все работает идеально.

Спасибо за такое развернутое обращение.

AndrewM521 commented 8 months ago

I am not using any beta versions as v49 is the latest version of the game. v47 was the latest major patch, but in the last few days it has been updated with small patches. If what google translator said was correct, you are using an unlicensed version which would make since that your current version is only v47. 

Again, these issues were tested with only Boombox Controller and BepInEx installed

For issue 1, even with BepInEx installed it still gives a "Directory Not Found" exception. This is my current Lethal Company game folder image As you can see, no BepInEx folder is present. I am using Thunderstore Mod Manager for loading the mods so I believe the .thunderstoremm file is how its loading the BepInEx folder into the game. These are my files for my current profile on Thunderstore image As you can see, the BepInEx folder is present along with the plugins folder inside

For issue 3, here is the log report files BepInEx log report: LogOutput.log Boombox Controller log report logReport.txt

In the BepInEx log report, the last few warnings "[Warning: Unity Log] [Dissonance:Recording] (18:06:23.219) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 90240, clamped to 16383 (dropping 73857 samples) [Warning: Unity Log] [Dissonance:Recording] (18:06:23.220) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [Warning: Unity Log] [Dissonance:Recording] (18:06:23.220) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [Warning: Unity Log] [Dissonance:Recording] (18:06:23.220) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [Warning: Unity Log] [Dissonance:Recording] (18:06:23.233) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:1.875896)" happened right after I unpaused the CMD window causing the music to stop.

AndrewM521 commented 8 months ago

Boombox Controller version 1.1.7 seems to have fixed the BepInEx directory exception. As far as issue 3 goes, I am an idiot and didn't know that I had to left click when holding the boombox to start the music. I just assumed that it auto started when uploading a new song/playlist to the boombox. Maybe the auto start could be addition for next update, but that is up to you.

Thank you for the help and patience

Koder-Teh commented 8 months ago

Boombox Controller version 1.1.7 seems to have fixed the BepInEx directory exception. As far as issue 3 goes, I am an idiot and didn't know that I had to left click when holding the boombox to start the music. I just assumed that it auto started when uploading a new song/playlist to the boombox. Maybe the auto start could be addition for next update, but that is up to you.

Thank you for the help and patience Бывает XD. Спасибо что отписал о проблеме :) Когда время будет возможно и сделаю это.