KodyJKing / RandomToolKit

An assortment of random tools for Minecraft.
MIT License
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Crash with Applied Energistics 2 over dimension ID 2 #13

Open katubug opened 4 years ago

katubug commented 4 years ago

Crash report: https://paste.dimdev.org/rokozebuci.mccrash

Config was set to:

    dimension {
        # Leave as 0 to auto assign id.

        # Leave as 0 to auto assign id.

I fixed the issue by manually assigning Dimension IDs (30 and 31) to them, but I thought I'd report that the auto-assign seems to have failed in this situation.

Thanks for your time, let me know if there's any other information you need! :)

KodyJKing commented 4 years ago

A few people have had issues with this. Auto assign doesn't play well with mods that don't auto assign so I think I'll assign manual IDs but leave auto assign as an option.