Closed kennyvv closed 5 years ago
Sorry for the late follow up on this one. Can you try this again using the latest version? I remember fixing something which could be related to this around the time you reported it. If the issue still exists and you're still in need for a solution, it would help if you can share a Fiddler capture of the request being made via e-mail with me. Don't upload it here.
When I use custom redirect url. Must provide client_secret in GetAccessTokenFromAuthorizationToken and GetAccessTokenFromRefreshToken.
public class MyOneDriveGraphApi : OneDriveGraphApi
public MyOneDriveGraphApi(string applicationId, string clientSecret) : base(applicationId, clientSecret)
OneDriveApiBaseUrl = GraphApiBaseUrl + "me/";
protected override async Task<OneDriveAccessToken> GetAccessTokenFromAuthorizationToken(string authorizationToken)
var queryBuilder = new QueryStringBuilder();
queryBuilder.Add("client_id", ClientId);
queryBuilder.Add("scope", DefaultScopes.Aggregate((x, y) => $"{x} {y}"));
queryBuilder.Add("code", authorizationToken);
queryBuilder.Add("redirect_uri", AuthenticationRedirectUrl);
queryBuilder.Add("grant_type", "authorization_code");
queryBuilder.Add("client_secret", ClientSecret); // Add this
return await PostToTokenEndPoint(queryBuilder);
protected override async Task<OneDriveAccessToken> GetAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(string refreshToken)
var queryBuilder = new QueryStringBuilder();
queryBuilder.Add("client_id", ClientId);
queryBuilder.Add("scope", DefaultScopes.Aggregate((x, y) => $"{x} {y}"));
queryBuilder.Add("refresh_token", refreshToken);
queryBuilder.Add("redirect_uri", AuthenticationRedirectUrl);
queryBuilder.Add("grant_type", "refresh_token");
queryBuilder.Add("client_secret", ClientSecret);
return await PostToTokenEndPoint(queryBuilder);
Merged your PR to resolve this.
I was trying to use the GraphAPI and AuthenticateUsingRefreshToken, however i get the following exception.
KoenZomers.OneDrive.Api.Exceptions.TokenRetrievalFailedException: Failed to retrieve OneDrive access token. Additional information: AADSTS7000218: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_assertion' or 'client_secret'. Trace ID: ae843ab5-b298-4ff5-bd4e-7f52660a2300 Correlation ID: 8ce4b213-b349-47b2-8fc6-a21928a18c8b Timestamp: 2019-03-06 12:58:00Z at KoenZomers.OneDrive.Api.OneDriveApi.PostToTokenEndPoint(QueryStringBuilder queryBuilder) at KoenZomers.OneDrive.Api.OneDriveGraphApi.GetAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(String refreshToken, String[] scopes) at KoenZomers.OneDrive.Api.OneDriveGraphApi.GetAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(String refreshToken) at KoenZomers.OneDrive.Api.OneDriveApi.AuthenticateUsingRefreshToken(String refreshToken) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
I thought i might have to set the client secret, however i can't set the property. What is the issue here?