Koenkk / Z-Stack-firmware

Compilation instructions and hex files for Z-Stack firmwares
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cc2531 crashes with the coordinator dev firmware #46

Closed smarti2019 closed 4 years ago

smarti2019 commented 5 years ago

currently there is a reproducible problem with different cc2531 chips with the dev firmware. After a few hours, the chip crashes and no communication takes place. First unplug the chip and plug it back in to fix the problem.

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

what firmware version are you running?

smarti2019 commented 5 years ago

i have the dev firmware 2019-02-19 for the cc2531 coordinator flashed

iwl commented 5 years ago

Koenkk> what firmware version are you running?

I asked you to add Version numbers to your Commits/Branches, you only told the Version it is derived from, to find in some subdir. I still not get that to be honest. Aren't there changes of your changes too, so some Version would be good. I think smarti2019 has same problem so can only tell a date.

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

@iwl the coordinator firmware version is logged on startup of zigbee2mqtt. This number is changed for every new firmware version.

@smarti2019 firmware 20190219 doesn't exist, can you post your zigbee2mqtt startup log?

smarti2019 commented 5 years ago

2019-02-23 16:02:15.818 - info: zigbee.0 zigbee-shepherd ready. version: 2.6.3 rev 20190218

that is the information from log from iobroker zigbee adapter

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

@smarti2019 can you try with 20190222 (https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/dev/coordinator/CC2531/bin)

smarti2019 commented 5 years ago

ok, I test with the mentioned firmware and will report

smarti2019 commented 5 years ago

after 24h no problems, no disconnects, all OK!

smarti2019 commented 5 years ago

The problem does not seem to be solved yet. This morning the chip has crashed again

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

When does this happen? After a burst of commands? Are you sure it doesn't happen with the 20190109 firmware?

smarti2019 commented 5 years ago

no, the problem is with the current dev firmware from 22/23 / February I'm going to flash the master firmware 20190109 tonight and will inform you

mullischlumpf commented 5 years ago

Hi i have the same problems and use the Firmware CC2531ZNP-Prod_20190109 Version on my stick.

smarti2019 commented 5 years ago

I flashed the 20190109 Version for the CC2531 coordinator. So I paired a few devices and after about 40 minutes hangs on the cc2531. where can i download the last functions stable version of cc2531 coordinator firmware form 2018?

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

@smarti2019 https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/f4f0e66902eb143c59f1c5208d4ef61094ba344e/coordinator/CC2531/bin

But I highly doubt this will solve your problem, probably some other process on your PC tries to access to usb port, because of this communication fails. You should find out which process does this.

brtwrs commented 5 years ago

Im having exactly the same problems. Using this project for months now and havent seen this problem even once. Yesterday I flashed the 23-2 version and now I cant get it to work. Keeps giving time-outs after 1-2 minutes or crashes. Even flashing back older versions like the 19-01 wont help. Tried both the master and dev zigbee2mqtt versions too. I looks like the stick crashes or stops responding or something like that.

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

@brtwrs as downgrading doesn't solve the problem, probably something else is going on (which has nothing to do with the firmware). Can you post your zigbee2mqtt log and the output of ls /dev?

brtwrs commented 5 years ago

Here is my log:

2019-2-27 11:09:23 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/binary_sensor/0x00158d0001656eb5/occupancy/config', payload '{"payload_on":true,"payload_off":false,"value_template":"{{ value_json.occupancy }}","device_class":"motion","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bemotion","json_attributes_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bemotion","name":"bemotion_occupancy","unique_id":"0x00158d0001656eb5_occupancy_zigbee2mqtt","device":{"identifiers":"zigbee2mqtt_0x00158d0001656eb5","name":"bemotion","sw_version":"Zigbee2mqtt 1.1.1","model":"Aqara human body movement and illuminance sensor (RTCGQ11LM)","manufacturer":"Xiaomi"},"availability_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}' 2019-2-27 11:09:23 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/sensor/0x00158d0001656eb5/illuminance/config', payload '{"unit_of_measurement":"lx","device_class":"illuminance","value_template":"{{ value_json.illuminance }}","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bemotion","json_attributes_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bemotion","name":"bemotion_illuminance","unique_id":"0x00158d0001656eb5_illuminance_zigbee2mqtt","device":{"identifiers":"zigbee2mqtt_0x00158d0001656eb5","name":"bemotion","sw_version":"Zigbee2mqtt 1.1.1","model":"Aqara human body movement and illuminance sensor (RTCGQ11LM)","manufacturer":"Xiaomi"},"availability_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}' 2019-2-27 11:09:23 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/sensor/0x00158d0001656eb5/battery/config', payload '{"unit_of_measurement":"%","device_class":"battery","value_template":"{{ value_json.battery }}","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bemotion","json_attributes_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bemotion","name":"bemotion_battery","unique_id":"0x00158d0001656eb5_battery_zigbee2mqtt","device":{"identifiers":"zigbee2mqtt_0x00158d0001656eb5","name":"bemotion","sw_version":"Zigbee2mqtt 1.1.1","model":"Aqara human body movement and illuminance sensor (RTCGQ11LM)","manufacturer":"Xiaomi"},"availability_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}' 2019-2-27 11:09:23 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/light/0x90fd9ffffe16ad09/light/config', payload '{"brightness":true,"schema":"json","command_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bespot2/set","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bespot2","name":"bespot2_light","unique_id":"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09_light_zigbee2mqtt","device":{"identifiers":"zigbee2mqtt_0x90fd9ffffe16ad09","name":"bespot2","sw_version":"Zigbee2mqtt 1.1.1","model":"TRADFRI LED bulb GU10 400 lumen, dimmable (LED1650R5)","manufacturer":"IKEA"},"availability_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}' 2019-2-27 11:09:23 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/light/0x000b57fffe9a8c12/light/config', payload '{"brightness":true,"color_temp":true,"schema":"json","command_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/alight/set","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/alight","name":"alight_light","unique_id":"0x000b57fffe9a8c12_light_zigbee2mqtt","device":{"identifiers":"zigbee2mqtt_0x000b57fffe9a8c12","name":"alight","sw_version":"Zigbee2mqtt 1.1.1","model":"TRADFRI LED bulb E26/E27 980 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (LED1545G12)","manufacturer":"IKEA"},"availability_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}' 2019-2-27 11:09:23 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/binary_sensor/0x00124b0009eb0446/router/config', payload '{"payload_on":true,"payload_off":false,"value_template":"{{ value_json.state }}","device_class":"connectivity","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446","json_attributes_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446","name":"0x00124b0009eb0446_router","unique_id":"0x00124b0009eb0446_router_zigbee2mqtt","device":{"identifiers":"zigbee2mqtt_0x00124b0009eb0446","name":"0x00124b0009eb0446","sw_version":"Zigbee2mqtt 1.1.1","model":"[CC2530 router](http://ptvo.info/cc2530-based-zigbee-coordinator-and-router-112/) (CC2530.ROUTER)","manufacturer":"Custom devices (DiY)"},"availability_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}' 2019-2-27 11:09:23 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/sensor/0x00124b0009eb0446/linkquality/config', payload '{"unit_of_measurement":"-","value_template":"{{ value_json.linkquality }}","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446","json_attributes_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446","name":"0x00124b0009eb0446_linkquality","unique_id":"0x00124b0009eb0446_linkquality_zigbee2mqtt","device":{"identifiers":"zigbee2mqtt_0x00124b0009eb0446","name":"0x00124b0009eb0446","sw_version":"Zigbee2mqtt 1.1.1","model":"[CC2530 router](http://ptvo.info/cc2530-based-zigbee-coordinator-and-router-112/) (CC2530.ROUTER)","manufacturer":"Custom devices (DiY)"},"availability_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}' 2019-2-27 11:09:23 - info: Successfully applied coordinator group for IKEA TRADFRI remote control (0x000b57fffeb0c369) 2019-2-27 11:09:23 - info: Successfully applied coordinator group for IKEA TRADFRI remote control (0x000b57fffeb2b754) 2019-2-27 11:09:23 - debug: Mounted the cieApp (epId 11) 2019-2-27 11:09:27 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/kled/set' with data '{"state": "ON", "brightness": 178}' 2019-2-27 11:09:27 - debug: Skipping 'state' because of 'brightness' 2019-2-27 11:09:27 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffea15468', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":178,"transtime":0} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:09:27 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffea15468', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":178,"transtime":0} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:09:34 - info: Succesfully configured eikeaswitch (0x000d6ffffe9c3afe) 2019-2-27 11:09:34 - info: Succesfully configured bebulbswith (0x000d6ffffe78a4bf) 2019-2-27 11:09:34 - info: Succesfully configured tvpower (0xd0cf5efffeef2107) 2019-2-27 11:09:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:09:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":7,"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":152}' 2019-2-27 11:09:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","inactiveText":"PARENT","presentValue":0,"relinquishDefault":2,"minimumOffTime":3}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:09:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":5,"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","type":"PARENT","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:09:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","inactiveText":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","presentValue":0,"relinquishDefault":4,"minimumOffTime":1}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:09:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":7,"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","type":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:09:43 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' 2019-2-27 11:09:43 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' 2019-2-27 11:09:43 - info: Succesfully configured liikeaswitch (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:09:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' 2019-2-27 11:09:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' 2019-2-27 11:09:45 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' 2019-2-27 11:09:45 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' 2019-2-27 11:09:45 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' 2019-2-27 11:09:45 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' 2019-2-27 11:09:51 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' 2019-2-27 11:09:52 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' 2019-2-27 11:09:52 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' 2019-2-27 11:09:52 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0xd0cf5efffe297551"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm' (0xd0cf5efffe297551) 2019-2-27 11:09:52 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:09:52 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:09:52 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm' (0xd0cf5efffe297551) 2019-2-27 11:09:55 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7"' 2019-2-27 11:09:55 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7"' 2019-2-27 11:09:56 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7"' 2019-2-27 11:09:56 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7"' 2019-2-27 11:09:57 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7"' 2019-2-27 11:09:57 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7"' 2019-2-27 11:09:57 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7"' 2019-2-27 11:09:57 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7"' 2019-2-27 11:09:58 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7"' 2019-2-27 11:09:59 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7"' 2019-2-27 11:09:59 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7) 2019-2-27 11:09:59 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:09:59 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:09:59 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7) 2019-2-27 11:10:10 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBasic","data":{"65281":{"3":21,"5":73,"7":"0x0000000000000000","8":4886,"9":2819,"100":0,"149":81.4510498046875,"150":2340,"152":0,"154":16}}}' of device 'lumi.plug' (0x00158d0001fa282d) 2019-2-27 11:10:10 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/stheater', payload '{"state":"OFF","linkquality":86,"power":0,"voltage":234,"consumption":81.45,"temperature":21}' 2019-2-27 11:10:10 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genBasic","data":{"65281":[null,null,null,21,null,73,null,"0x0000000000000000",4886,2819,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,0,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,81.4510498046875,2340,null,0,null,16]}}' of device 'lumi.plug' (0x00158d0001fa282d) 2019-2-27 11:10:10 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09"' 2019-2-27 11:10:11 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09"' 2019-2-27 11:10:11 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09"' 2019-2-27 11:10:12 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09"' 2019-2-27 11:10:12 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09"' 2019-2-27 11:10:13 - error: Failed to configure 0x000b57fffe229fe5 (0x000b57fffe229fe5) ('Error: Timed out after 10000 ms') 2019-2-27 11:10:13 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09"' 2019-2-27 11:10:13 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09"' 2019-2-27 11:10:13 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09"' 2019-2-27 11:10:14 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09"' 2019-2-27 11:10:14 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09"' 2019-2-27 11:10:14 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe16ad09"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x90fd9ffffe16ad09) 2019-2-27 11:10:14 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:10:14 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:10:14 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x90fd9ffffe16ad09) 2019-2-27 11:10:15 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' 2019-2-27 11:10:16 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' 2019-2-27 11:10:21 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"msIlluminanceMeasurement","data":{"measuredValue":467}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001244204) 2019-2-27 11:10:21 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bamotion', payload '{"illuminance":467,"linkquality":52,"occupancy":false,"battery":100,"voltage":3025}' 2019-2-27 11:10:21 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"msIlluminanceMeasurement","data":{"measuredValue":467}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001244204) 2019-2-27 11:10:21 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"msOccupancySensing","data":{"occupancy":1}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001244204) 2019-2-27 11:10:21 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bamotion', payload '{"illuminance":467,"linkquality":52,"occupancy":true,"battery":100,"voltage":3025}' 2019-2-27 11:10:21 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"msOccupancySensing","data":{"occupancy":1}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001244204) 2019-2-27 11:10:22 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' 2019-2-27 11:10:22 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' 2019-2-27 11:10:22 - debug: Check online stheater 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:10:23 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' 2019-2-27 11:10:23 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' 2019-2-27 11:10:23 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' 2019-2-27 11:10:23 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' 2019-2-27 11:10:24 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/colight/set' with data '{"state": "OFF", "transition": 5}' 2019-2-27 11:10:24 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe3635d7', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:10:24 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/hswitch/left/set' with data 'OFF' 2019-2-27 11:10:24 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x00158d0001660bf9', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - 2 2019-2-27 11:10:24 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' 2019-2-27 11:10:24 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe3635d7', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:10:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' 2019-2-27 11:10:25 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/hswitch', payload '{"state_left":"OFF","linkquality":49,"state_right":"ON"}' 2019-2-27 11:10:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440649,"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bf9) 2019-2-27 11:10:25 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/hswitch', payload '{"state_left":"OFF","linkquality":23,"state_right":"ON"}' 2019-2-27 11:10:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440649}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bf9) 2019-2-27 11:10:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' 2019-2-27 11:10:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x000b57fffe9c2eb6"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm' (0x000b57fffe9c2eb6) 2019-2-27 11:10:25 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:10:25 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:10:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm' (0x000b57fffe9c2eb6) 2019-2-27 11:10:26 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' 2019-2-27 11:10:26 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' 2019-2-27 11:10:26 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' 2019-2-27 11:10:27 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' 2019-2-27 11:10:27 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' 2019-2-27 11:10:28 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' 2019-2-27 11:10:28 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' 2019-2-27 11:10:28 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' 2019-2-27 11:10:28 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' 2019-2-27 11:10:29 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' 2019-2-27 11:10:29 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' 2019-2-27 11:10:29 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a8c12"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 WS�opal 980lm' (0x000b57fffe9a8c12) 2019-2-27 11:10:29 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:10:29 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:10:29 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 WS�opal 980lm' (0x000b57fffe9a8c12) 2019-2-27 11:10:31 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a3260"' 2019-2-27 11:10:31 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a3260"' 2019-2-27 11:10:32 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a3260"' 2019-2-27 11:10:32 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a3260"' 2019-2-27 11:10:32 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:10:32 - debug: Check online hrouter 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:10:33 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a3260"' 2019-2-27 11:10:33 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a3260"' 2019-2-27 11:10:33 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a3260"' 2019-2-27 11:10:33 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a3260"' 2019-2-27 11:10:34 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a3260"' 2019-2-27 11:10:35 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a3260"' 2019-2-27 11:10:35 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x000b57fffe9a3260"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe9a3260) 2019-2-27 11:10:35 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:10:35 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:10:35 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe9a3260) 2019-2-27 11:10:37 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48ba2a"' 2019-2-27 11:10:37 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48ba2a"' 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48ba2a"' 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","type":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","inactiveText":"PARENT","presentValue":0,"relinquishDefault":2,"minimumOffTime":3}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","type":"PARENT","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","inactiveText":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","presentValue":0,"relinquishDefault":4,"minimumOffTime":1}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","type":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"46262/0x000B57FFFE9DE3DF","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":0}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"46262/0x000B57FFFE9DE3DF","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"65507/0x000B57FFFE301837","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":0}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"65507/0x000B57FFFE301837","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":152}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":152}' 2019-2-27 11:10:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48ba2a"' 2019-2-27 11:10:39 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48ba2a"' 2019-2-27 11:10:39 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48ba2a"' 2019-2-27 11:10:39 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48ba2a"' 2019-2-27 11:10:40 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48ba2a"' 2019-2-27 11:10:40 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48ba2a"' 2019-2-27 11:10:41 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48ba2a"' 2019-2-27 11:10:41 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x000b57fffe48ba2a"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48ba2a) 2019-2-27 11:10:41 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:10:41 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:10:41 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48ba2a) 2019-2-27 11:10:42 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:10:42 - debug: Check online kiswitch 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:10:43 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffed740f7"' 2019-2-27 11:10:43 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffed740f7"' 2019-2-27 11:10:43 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffed740f7"' 2019-2-27 11:10:43 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffed740f7"' 2019-2-27 11:10:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffed740f7"' 2019-2-27 11:10:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffed740f7"' 2019-2-27 11:10:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffed740f7"' 2019-2-27 11:10:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"msIlluminanceMeasurement","data":{"measuredValue":68}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001656eb5) 2019-2-27 11:10:44 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bemotion', payload '{"illuminance":68,"linkquality":21,"occupancy":false,"battery":100,"voltage":3005}' 2019-2-27 11:10:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"msIlluminanceMeasurement","data":{"measuredValue":68}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001656eb5) 2019-2-27 11:10:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"msOccupancySensing","data":{"occupancy":1}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001656eb5) 2019-2-27 11:10:44 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bemotion', payload '{"illuminance":68,"linkquality":21,"occupancy":true,"battery":100,"voltage":3005}' 2019-2-27 11:10:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"msOccupancySensing","data":{"occupancy":1}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001656eb5) 2019-2-27 11:10:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffed740f7"' 2019-2-27 11:10:45 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffed740f7"' 2019-2-27 11:10:45 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffed740f7"' 2019-2-27 11:10:45 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x000b57fffed740f7"' of device 'TRADFRI transformer 10W' (0x000b57fffed740f7) 2019-2-27 11:10:45 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:10:45 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:10:45 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI transformer 10W' (0x000b57fffed740f7) 2019-2-27 11:10:52 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:10:52 - debug: Check online hswitch 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:10:55 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' 2019-2-27 11:10:56 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' 2019-2-27 11:10:56 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' 2019-2-27 11:10:57 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:10:57 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/liikeaswitch', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":55}' 2019-2-27 11:10:57 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' 2019-2-27 11:10:57 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' 2019-2-27 11:10:58 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' 2019-2-27 11:10:58 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' 2019-2-27 11:10:58 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' 2019-2-27 11:10:59 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' 2019-2-27 11:11:00 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' 2019-2-27 11:11:01 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' 2019-2-27 11:11:01 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x000b57fffe9de3df"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm' (0x000b57fffe9de3df) 2019-2-27 11:11:01 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:11:01 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:01 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm' (0x000b57fffe9de3df) 2019-2-27 11:11:02 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:11:02 - debug: Check online 0x00124b0009eb0446 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:11:02 - debug: Successfully pinged 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:11:03 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x00124b0009eb0446"' 2019-2-27 11:11:03 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x00124b0009eb0446"' 2019-2-27 11:11:03 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x00124b0009eb0446"' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:11:03 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:11:03 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:03 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:11:21 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bebulbswith/set' with data 'OFF' 2019-2-27 11:11:21 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000d6ffffe78a4bf', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:22 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bebulbswith', payload '{"state":"OFF","linkquality":78}' 2019-2-27 11:11:22 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0x000d6ffffe78a4bf) 2019-2-27 11:11:22 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bebulbswith', payload '{"state":"OFF","linkquality":55}' 2019-2-27 11:11:22 - debug: Check online stheater 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:11:23 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/balight1/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:23 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe9a3260', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:23 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/balight2/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe48ba2a', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/balight1', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/balight2', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bespot1/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe676907', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bespot2/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bespot3/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe9a3260) 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/balight1', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe16ad09', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48ba2a) 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/balight2', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bespot2', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:24 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bespot3', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/hswitch/right/set' with data 'OFF' 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x00158d0001660bf9', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - 3 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x90fd9ffffe16ad09) 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bespot2', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe676907', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x90fd9ffffe35aaf7) 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bespot3', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/hswitch', payload '{"state_left":"OFF","linkquality":23,"state_right":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/kled/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffea15468', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440604,"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bf9) 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/hswitch', payload '{"state_left":"OFF","linkquality":44,"state_right":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440604}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bf9) 2019-2-27 11:11:26 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffea15468', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:11:26 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/kiswitch/left/set' with data 'OFF' 2019-2-27 11:11:26 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x00158d0001660bfe', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - 2 2019-2-27 11:11:27 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kiswitch', payload '{"state_left":"OFF","linkquality":21,"state_right":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:27 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440611,"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bfe) 2019-2-27 11:11:27 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kiswitch', payload '{"state_left":"OFF","linkquality":21,"state_right":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:27 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440611}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bfe) 2019-2-27 11:11:28 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/liikeaswitch/set' with data 'OFF' 2019-2-27 11:11:28 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0xd0cf5efffe7a4825', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:28 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/liikeaswitch', payload '{"state":"OFF","linkquality":55}' 2019-2-27 11:11:28 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:11:28 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/liikeaswitch', payload '{"state":"OFF","linkquality":18}' 2019-2-27 11:11:28 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:11:29 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:11:29 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot3/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:29 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffeaf7c65', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:29 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot2/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:29 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot4/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:29 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe6dfd5f', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:29 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffebfc857', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:30 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffeaf7c65', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:11:30 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe6dfd5f', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:11:30 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffebfc857', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:11:31 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/baled/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:31 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffed740f7', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:32 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/baled', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:32 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI transformer 10W' (0x000b57fffed740f7) 2019-2-27 11:11:32 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/baled', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:32 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:11:32 - debug: Check online hrouter 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:11:34 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/kilamp/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:34 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0xd0cf5efffe297551', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:35 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kilamp', payload '{"state":"OFF","color_mode":1,"color":{"x":0.612,"y":0.374}}' 2019-2-27 11:11:35 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm' (0xd0cf5efffe297551) 2019-2-27 11:11:35 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kilamp', payload '{"state":"OFF","color_mode":1,"color":{"x":0.612,"y":0.374}}' 2019-2-27 11:11:36 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lhlight/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:36 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:36 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:11:37 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot2/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:37 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe6dfd5f', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:37 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot3/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:37 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffeaf7c65', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:37 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe6dfd5f', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffeaf7c65', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":18,"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":152}' 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","inactiveText":"PARENT","presentValue":0,"relinquishDefault":2,"minimumOffTime":3}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":18,"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","type":"PARENT","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","inactiveText":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","presentValue":0,"relinquishDefault":4,"minimumOffTime":1}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":18,"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","type":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"7996/0x0000000000000000","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":1}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":18,"description":"7996/0x0000000000000000","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":1}' 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"65507/0x000B57FFFE301837","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":0}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"65507/0x000B57FFFE301837","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":156}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":18,"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":156}' 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot4/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffebfc857', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffebfc857', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/stlight/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:38 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe9c2eb6', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:39 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/stlight', payload '{"state":"OFF","color_mode":1,"color":{"x":0.144,"y":0.053},"brightness":254}' 2019-2-27 11:11:39 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm' (0x000b57fffe9c2eb6) 2019-2-27 11:11:39 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/stlight', payload '{"state":"OFF","color_mode":1,"color":{"x":0.144,"y":0.053},"brightness":254}' 2019-2-27 11:11:40 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/stsmalllight/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:11:40 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffed9c663', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:11:40 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffed9c663', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:11:42 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:11:42 - debug: Check online kiswitch 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:11:43 - debug: Successfully pinged 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:11:43 - debug: Check online hswitch 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:11:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"msOccupancySensing","data":{"occupancy":1}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion' (0x00158d0001d9265b) 2019-2-27 11:11:44 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/hmotion', payload '{"occupancy":true,"linkquality":55,"battery":100,"voltage":3015}' 2019-2-27 11:11:51 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bamotion', payload '{"illuminance":467,"linkquality":52,"occupancy":false,"battery":100,"voltage":3025}' 2019-2-27 11:11:53 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:11:53 - debug: Check online 0x00124b0009eb0446 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:11:53 - debug: Successfully pinged 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:11:54 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"msIlluminanceMeasurement","data":{"measuredValue":117}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001df0140) 2019-2-27 11:11:54 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/tomotion', payload '{"illuminance":117,"linkquality":55,"occupancy":false,"battery":91,"voltage":2985}' 2019-2-27 11:11:54 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"msIlluminanceMeasurement","data":{"measuredValue":117}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001df0140) 2019-2-27 11:11:54 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"msOccupancySensing","data":{"occupancy":1}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001df0140) 2019-2-27 11:11:54 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/tomotion', payload '{"illuminance":117,"linkquality":55,"occupancy":true,"battery":91,"voltage":2985}' 2019-2-27 11:11:54 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"msOccupancySensing","data":{"occupancy":1}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001df0140) 2019-2-27 11:12:10 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe301837"' 2019-2-27 11:12:10 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe301837"' 2019-2-27 11:12:11 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe301837"' 2019-2-27 11:12:11 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe301837"' 2019-2-27 11:12:12 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe301837"' 2019-2-27 11:12:12 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe301837"' 2019-2-27 11:12:12 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe301837"' 2019-2-27 11:12:12 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe301837"' 2019-2-27 11:12:13 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe301837"' 2019-2-27 11:12:13 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe301837"' 2019-2-27 11:12:13 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x000b57fffe301837"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 opal 1000lm' (0x000b57fffe301837) 2019-2-27 11:12:13 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:12:13 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:13 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 opal 1000lm' (0x000b57fffe301837) 2019-2-27 11:12:14 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bemotion', payload '{"illuminance":68,"linkquality":21,"occupancy":false,"battery":100,"voltage":3005}' 2019-2-27 11:12:15 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e"' 2019-2-27 11:12:15 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e"' 2019-2-27 11:12:16 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e"' 2019-2-27 11:12:22 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e"' 2019-2-27 11:12:22 - debug: Check online stheater 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:12:24 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"msIlluminanceMeasurement","data":{"measuredValue":142}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0002579f93) 2019-2-27 11:12:24 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kicountermotion', payload '{"illuminance":142,"linkquality":21,"occupancy":false,"battery":100,"voltage":3025}' 2019-2-27 11:12:24 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"msIlluminanceMeasurement","data":{"measuredValue":142}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0002579f93) 2019-2-27 11:12:24 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"msOccupancySensing","data":{"occupancy":1}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0002579f93) 2019-2-27 11:12:24 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kicountermotion', payload '{"illuminance":142,"linkquality":18,"occupancy":true,"battery":100,"voltage":3025}' 2019-2-27 11:12:24 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"msOccupancySensing","data":{"occupancy":1}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0002579f93) 2019-2-27 11:12:24 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e"' 2019-2-27 11:12:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e"' 2019-2-27 11:12:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e"' 2019-2-27 11:12:25 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e"' 2019-2-27 11:12:26 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e"' 2019-2-27 11:12:26 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e"' 2019-2-27 11:12:26 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm' (0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e) 2019-2-27 11:12:26 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:12:26 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:26 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm' (0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e) 2019-2-27 11:12:32 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:12:32 - debug: Check online hrouter 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":156}' 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","inactiveText":"PARENT","presentValue":0,"relinquishDefault":2,"minimumOffTime":3}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":18,"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","type":"PARENT","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","inactiveText":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","presentValue":0,"relinquishDefault":4,"minimumOffTime":1}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","type":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"16188/0xD0CF5EFFFE297551","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":14}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"16188/0xD0CF5EFFFE297551","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":14}' 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"7996/0x0000000000000000","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":1}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"7996/0x0000000000000000","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":1}' 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":156}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:12:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":156}' 2019-2-27 11:12:40 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/kiswitch/left/set' with data 'ON' 2019-2-27 11:12:40 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x00158d0001660bfe', genOnOff - on - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - 2 2019-2-27 11:12:41 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kiswitch', payload '{"state_left":"ON","linkquality":21,"state_right":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:41 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440702,"onOff":1}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bfe) 2019-2-27 11:12:41 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kiswitch', payload '{"state_left":"ON","linkquality":21,"state_right":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:41 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440702,"onOff":1}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bfe) 2019-2-27 11:12:42 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/kiswitch/left/set' with data 'OFF' 2019-2-27 11:12:42 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x00158d0001660bfe', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - 2 2019-2-27 11:12:42 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kiswitch', payload '{"state_left":"OFF","linkquality":21,"state_right":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:42 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:12:42 - debug: Check online kiswitch 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:12:42 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440704,"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bfe) 2019-2-27 11:12:42 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kiswitch', payload '{"state_left":"OFF","linkquality":21,"state_right":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:42 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440704,"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bfe) 2019-2-27 11:12:43 - debug: Successfully pinged 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:12:43 - debug: Check online hswitch 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:12:43 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bfe) 2019-2-27 11:12:46 - error: Cannot get the Node Descriptor of the Device: 0x000b57fffea15468 (Error: Timed out after 10000 ms) 2019-2-27 11:12:48 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genPowerCfg","data":{"batteryPercentageRemaining":16}}' of device 'TRADFRI wireless dimmer' (0x000b57fffe229fe5) 2019-2-27 11:12:48 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe229fe5', payload '{"brightness":255,"linkquality":13,"battery":16}' 2019-2-27 11:12:48 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genPowerCfg","data":{"batteryPercentageRemaining":16}}' of device 'TRADFRI wireless dimmer' (0x000b57fffe229fe5) 2019-2-27 11:12:49 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lhlight/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:49 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:12:49 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/lhlight', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:50 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm' (0x90fd9ffffe29ea1e) 2019-2-27 11:12:50 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/lhlight', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:51 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/kled/set' with data '{"state": "ON"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:51 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffea15468', genOnOff - on - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:12:51 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kled', payload '{"state":"ON"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:52 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/kled/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:52 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffea15468', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:12:52 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kled', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:53 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI transformer 10W' (0x000b57fffea15468) 2019-2-27 11:12:53 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kled', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:53 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:12:53 - debug: Check online 0x00124b0009eb0446 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:12:53 - debug: Successfully pinged 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:12:54 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/kilamp/set' with data '{"state": "ON"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:54 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0xd0cf5efffe297551', genOnOff - on - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:12:54 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kilamp', payload '{"state":"ON","color_mode":1,"color":{"x":0.612,"y":0.374}}' 2019-2-27 11:12:55 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm' (0xd0cf5efffe297551) 2019-2-27 11:12:55 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kilamp', payload '{"state":"ON","color_mode":1,"color":{"x":0.612,"y":0.374}}' 2019-2-27 11:12:55 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/kilamp/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:12:55 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0xd0cf5efffe297551', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:12:55 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kilamp', payload '{"state":"OFF","color_mode":1,"color":{"x":0.612,"y":0.374}}' 2019-2-27 11:12:56 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm' (0xd0cf5efffe297551) 2019-2-27 11:12:56 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kilamp', payload '{"state":"OFF","color_mode":1,"color":{"x":0.612,"y":0.374}}' 2019-2-27 11:13:04 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBasic","data":{"65281":{"1":2865,"4":17320,"5":18,"6":[0,0],"10":5010,"100":1727,"101":5454,"102":102379}}}' of device 'lumi.weather' (0x00158d0001d6be87) 2019-2-27 11:13:04 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kiweather', payload '{"temperature":17.27,"linkquality":18,"humidity":54.54,"pressure":1023.8,"battery":37,"voltage":2865}' 2019-2-27 11:13:04 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genBasic","data":{"65281":[null,2865,null,null,17320,18,[0,0],null,null,null,5010,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1727,5454,102379]}}' of device 'lumi.weather' (0x00158d0001d6be87) 2019-2-27 11:13:04 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBasic","data":{"modelId":"lumi.weather"}}' of device 'lumi.weather' (0x00158d0001d6be87) 2019-2-27 11:13:04 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genBasic","data":{"modelId":"lumi.weather"}}' of device 'lumi.weather' (0x00158d0001d6be87) 2019-2-27 11:13:14 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/hmotion', payload '{"occupancy":false,"linkquality":55,"battery":100,"voltage":3015}' 2019-2-27 11:13:22 - debug: Check online stheater 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:13:24 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/tomotion', payload '{"illuminance":117,"linkquality":55,"occupancy":false,"battery":91,"voltage":2985}' 2019-2-27 11:13:32 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:13:32 - debug: Check online hrouter 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":55,"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":156}' 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","inactiveText":"PARENT","presentValue":82,"relinquishDefault":2,"minimumOffTime":3}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":55,"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","type":"PARENT","rssi":82}' 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","inactiveText":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","presentValue":0,"relinquishDefault":4,"minimumOffTime":1}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":55,"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","type":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"27559/0x90FD9FFFFE29EA1E","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":27}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":55,"description":"27559/0x90FD9FFFFE29EA1E","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":27}' 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"16188/0xD0CF5EFFFE297551","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":42}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":55,"description":"16188/0xD0CF5EFFFE297551","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":42}' 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":156}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:13:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":55,"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":156}' 2019-2-27 11:13:42 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:13:42 - debug: Check online kiswitch 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:13:43 - debug: Successfully pinged 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:13:43 - debug: Check online hswitch 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:13:43 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffebfc857"' 2019-2-27 11:13:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffebfc857"' 2019-2-27 11:13:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffebfc857"' 2019-2-27 11:13:44 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffebfc857"' 2019-2-27 11:13:45 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffebfc857"' 2019-2-27 11:13:45 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffebfc857"' 2019-2-27 11:13:45 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffebfc857"' 2019-2-27 11:13:46 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffebfc857"' 2019-2-27 11:13:46 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffebfc857"' 2019-2-27 11:13:47 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffebfc857"' 2019-2-27 11:13:47 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x000b57fffebfc857"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x000b57fffebfc857) 2019-2-27 11:13:47 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:13:47 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:13:47 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x000b57fffebfc857) 2019-2-27 11:13:53 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:13:53 - debug: Check online 0x00124b0009eb0446 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:13:54 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/kicountermotion', payload '{"illuminance":142,"linkquality":18,"occupancy":false,"battery":100,"voltage":3025}' 2019-2-27 11:13:54 - debug: Successfully pinged 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:14:02 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bebulbswith/set' with data 'ON' 2019-2-27 11:14:02 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000d6ffffe78a4bf', genOnOff - on - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:14:03 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bebulbswith', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":55}' 2019-2-27 11:14:04 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0x000d6ffffe78a4bf) 2019-2-27 11:14:05 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bebulbswith/set' with data 'OFF' 2019-2-27 11:14:05 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000d6ffffe78a4bf', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:14:05 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bebulbswith', payload '{"state":"OFF","linkquality":55}' 2019-2-27 11:14:05 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0x000d6ffffe78a4bf) 2019-2-27 11:14:05 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bebulbswith', payload '{"state":"OFF","linkquality":52}' 2019-2-27 11:14:05 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0x000d6ffffe78a4bf) 2019-2-27 11:14:05 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0x000d6ffffe78a4bf) 2019-2-27 11:14:10 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/liikeaswitch/set' with data 'ON' 2019-2-27 11:14:10 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0xd0cf5efffe7a4825', genOnOff - on - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:14:12 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/liikeaswitch', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":18}' 2019-2-27 11:14:12 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:14:12 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/liikeaswitch', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":21}' 2019-2-27 11:14:12 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:14:13 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:14:13 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/liikeaswitch', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":21}' 2019-2-27 11:14:14 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:14:15 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/hswitch/left/set' with data 'OFF' 2019-2-27 11:14:15 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x00158d0001660bf9', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - 2 2019-2-27 11:14:15 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/hswitch', payload '{"state_left":"OFF","linkquality":44,"state_right":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:15 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440520,"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bf9) 2019-2-27 11:14:15 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/hswitch', payload '{"state_left":"OFF","linkquality":49,"state_right":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:15 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"61440":117440520}}' of device 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2' (0x00158d0001660bf9) 2019-2-27 11:14:20 - debug: Saving state to file /app/data/state.json 2019-2-27 11:14:22 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/liikeaswitch/set' with data 'OFF' 2019-2-27 11:14:22 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0xd0cf5efffe7a4825', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:14:22 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/liikeaswitch', payload '{"state":"OFF","linkquality":21}' 2019-2-27 11:14:22 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:14:22 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/liikeaswitch', payload '{"state":"OFF","linkquality":52}' 2019-2-27 11:14:22 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:14:22 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI control outlet' (0xd0cf5efffe7a4825) 2019-2-27 11:14:22 - debug: Check online stheater 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:14:23 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot3/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:23 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffeaf7c65', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:14:23 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot2/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:23 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot4/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:23 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe6dfd5f', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:14:24 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffebfc857', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:14:24 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot4', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:24 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe6dfd5f', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:14:24 - error: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffeaf7c65', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null failed with error Error: AF data request fails, status code: 205. No network route. Please confirm that the device has (re)joined the network. 2019-2-27 11:14:24 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x000b57fffebfc857) 2019-2-27 11:14:24 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot4', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:31 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"msIlluminanceMeasurement","data":{"measuredValue":453}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001ad6c9e) 2019-2-27 11:14:31 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/limotion', payload '{"illuminance":453,"linkquality":18,"occupancy":false,"battery":86,"voltage":2975}' 2019-2-27 11:14:31 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"msIlluminanceMeasurement","data":{"measuredValue":453}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001ad6c9e) 2019-2-27 11:14:31 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"msOccupancySensing","data":{"occupancy":1}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001ad6c9e) 2019-2-27 11:14:31 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/limotion', payload '{"illuminance":453,"linkquality":18,"occupancy":true,"battery":86,"voltage":2975}' 2019-2-27 11:14:31 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"msOccupancySensing","data":{"occupancy":1}}' of device 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2' (0x00158d0001ad6c9e) 2019-2-27 11:14:32 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:14:32 - debug: Check online hrouter 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":156}' 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","inactiveText":"PARENT","presentValue":78,"relinquishDefault":2,"minimumOffTime":3}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"20795/0x000B57FFFEBFC857","type":"PARENT","rssi":78}' 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","inactiveText":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","presentValue":0,"relinquishDefault":4,"minimumOffTime":1}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"22586/0x000B57FFFEB00408","type":"CHILD_FFD_RXI","rssi":0}' 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"61318/0x0000000000000000","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":46}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"61318/0x0000000000000000","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":46}' 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"9786/0x90FD9FFFFE35AAF7","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":24}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"9786/0x90FD9FFFFE35AAF7","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":24}' 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'attReport' with data '{"cid":"genBinaryValue","data":{"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","inactiveText":"NEIGHBOR","presentValue":156}}' of device 'lumi.router' (0x00124b0009eb0446) 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b0009eb0446', payload '{"state":false,"linkquality":21,"description":"5010/0xD0CF5EFFFE7A4825","type":"NEIGHBOR","rssi":156}' 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffeaf7c65"' 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffeaf7c65"' 2019-2-27 11:14:38 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffeaf7c65"' 2019-2-27 11:14:39 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffeaf7c65"' 2019-2-27 11:14:39 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffeaf7c65"' 2019-2-27 11:14:40 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffeaf7c65"' 2019-2-27 11:14:40 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffeaf7c65"' 2019-2-27 11:14:40 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffeaf7c65"' 2019-2-27 11:14:42 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:14:42 - debug: Check online kiswitch 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:14:43 - debug: Successfully pinged 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:14:43 - debug: Check online hswitch 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:14:45 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot3/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:45 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffeaf7c65', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:14:45 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot2/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:45 - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot4/set' with data '{"state": "OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:45 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x90fd9ffffe6dfd5f', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:14:45 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot3', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:45 - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffebfc857', genOnOff - off - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null 2019-2-27 11:14:46 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot4', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:46 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot2', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:46 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"onOff":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x000b57fffeaf7c65) 2019-2-27 11:14:46 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/lispot3', payload '{"state":"OFF"}' 2019-2-27 11:14:53 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:14:53 - debug: Check online 0x00124b0009eb0446 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:14:59 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:15:11 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffeaf7c65"' 2019-2-27 11:15:14 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffeaf7c65"' 2019-2-27 11:15:14 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x000b57fffeaf7c65"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x000b57fffeaf7c65) 2019-2-27 11:15:14 - info: Device incoming... 2019-2-27 11:15:14 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}' 2019-2-27 11:15:14 - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm' (0x000b57fffeaf7c65) 2019-2-27 11:15:20 - error: Cannot get the Node Descriptor of the Device: 0x90fd9ffffe6dfd5f (Error: request timeout) 2019-2-27 11:15:22 - debug: Check online stheater 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:15:26 - error: Cannot get the Node Descriptor of the Device: 0x75c4087520801809 (Error: request timeout) 2019-2-27 11:15:32 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:15:32 - debug: Check online hrouter 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:15:38 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:15:38 - debug: Check online kiswitch 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:15:44 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:15:44 - debug: Check online hswitch 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:15:50 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:15:50 - debug: Check online 0x00124b0009eb0446 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:15:56 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00124b0009eb0446 2019-2-27 11:16:01 - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/limotion', payload '{"illuminance":453,"linkquality":18,"occupancy":false,"battery":86,"voltage":2975}' 2019-2-27 11:16:22 - debug: Check online stheater 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:16:28 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001fa282d 2019-2-27 11:16:28 - debug: Check online hrouter 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:16:34 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00124b001936da9d 2019-2-27 11:16:34 - debug: Check online kiswitch 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:16:40 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001660bfe 2019-2-27 11:16:40 - debug: Check online hswitch 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:16:46 - debug: Failed to ping 0x00158d0001660bf9 2019-2-27 11:16:46 - debug: Check online 0x00124b0009eb0446 0x00124b0009eb0446 At the end you can see there are no more messages en the pings are failing.

And here the output of ls /dev/ttyACM0 -al

crw-rw-rw- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Feb 27 12:07 /dev/ttyACM0

brtwrs commented 5 years ago

I did some more testing and the same thing is happening on my server, desktop and mediaplayer. (all docker)

brtwrs commented 5 years ago

update: I turned off (cut the power) some of by ikea bulbs (about 10) and now the network is stable for over an hour, that's way more then the 1-2 minutes I got the last few days. Maybe it has to do with the size of my network..

ps sorry @smarti2019 for hijacking your thread ^^

smarti2019 commented 5 years ago

I have also reduced the network as a trial and now extend it succesively. Currently it is stable for 24 hours zigbee

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago

i'm so sick of this .. for the time spend, i could buy 20 hue bridges. setup my network with cc2531 with 20190109 firmware. first time it crashed within 10 hours, the seconds try lasted 26 hours. light turns off on cc2531 and even after rebooting , the cc2531 led turns off after 2-3 minutes. reflashed the stick to make it work again.

my 3. try was a cc2530 over ttl adapter. funny thing: with 20190109 this one is dead after 24 hours too! But this one is working again after a reboot.

one week lost life time till now :-/

brtwrs commented 5 years ago

How big is your network? I had around 60 devices, with +-30 being able to route. I guess this is just to much. I have now split my netwerk in two, downstairs and upstairs. Works stable since.

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago

my network was about 30 devices .. ..~20 end, 10 router. will give this weekend the 20190227 a last try on the cc2531 and i try to connect the cc2530 directly via uart .. if this two tests fail, i'm done with this and will go back to the good working vendor gateways. :-|

what hardware and firmware do you use ? and what means stable for you? Uptime over a week without any failures?

brtwrs commented 5 years ago

I have two cc2531 sticks with the latest dev version (02-23). Stable as in no more crashed since I set it up yesterday. This is way better then the 1-2 minutes I got before

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago

well call it stable when its running a week with 30+ devices.

brtwrs commented 5 years ago

Ill let you know in a week;) In the mean while you could do some debugging and programming to make it more stable.

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago

ok.. dev firmware 190223 isnt working good for me. you cant add more then 1 group. if i add a second, i get: Failed to add group 2 to coordinator. Error: request unsuccess: 178

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

@nob0dy80 why do you want to add the coordinator to groups? (this has been reduced on purpose to save memory)

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago

@Koenkk i dont want to add the coordinator to a group, i want to add a second group to the coordinator. this happens automatically when you choose "Add group" in Iobroker. Need this cause i want to turn of more than one light with a switch. thats the purpose of groups i think. at least this was working fine in 20190109 firmware

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago

ok seems like this is the first time i have to give up... 20190223 is working more worse for me than 20190109 stable one. 20190223: crash after 1 hour: Error while starting zigbee-shepherd, attempting to fix... (takes 60 seconds)

There must be something that crashes the coordinator firmware everytime :-(

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

Why does it restart zigbee-shepherd? @kirovilya do you know why?

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago

@Koenkk since its clear to me now i cant use 02-23 cause of missing groups which are very needed to me for handling brightness in a group, i have to go back to the last version without this change. can i download 20190218 anywhere?

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

@nob0dy80 just look at the git history, you will find all previous version there.

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago

@Koenkk i'm not that pro with github. cant find a history. where can i access it ?

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:05:49.763 info Error while starting zigbee-shepherd, attempting to fix... (takes 60 seconds)
host.iobroker 2019-03-01 17:05:47.182 info instance system.adapter.zigbee.0 terminated with code 0 (OK)
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:05:46.339 info Reset coordinator
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:05:46.339 info Queue is: true
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:05:46.339 info Start on port: /dev/ttyACM0 with panID 6754 channel 11
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:05:46.335 info starting. Version 0.9.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee, node: v8.15.0
host.iobroker 2019-03-01 17:05:44.157 info instance system.adapter.zigbee.0 started with pid 1787
host.iobrokerslave 2019-03-01 17:05:41.616 info object change system.adapter.zigbee.0
host.iobroker 2019-03-01 17:05:41.633 info stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 killing pid 1427
host.iobroker 2019-03-01 17:05:41.632 info stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0
host.iobroker 2019-03-01 17:05:41.631 info object change system.adapter.zigbee.0
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:05:17.075 error Zigbee publish to '0x000b57fffebb03eb', genOnOff - on - {} - 1 failed with error Error: Timed out after 30000 ms
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:05:15.406 error No state available for 'AB3257001NJ' with key 'available'
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:05:07.651 error No state available for 'AB3257001NJ' with key 'available'
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:04:47.069 error Zigbee publish to '0x90fd9ffffe1a77dd', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":false,"transtime":0} - 1 failed with error Error: Timed out after 30000 ms
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:04:17.061 error Zigbee publish to '0x000b57fffebb03eb', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":false,"transtime":0} - 1 failed with error Error: Timed out after 30000 ms
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:47.055 error Zigbee publish to '0x000b57fffe88fe66', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":false,"transtime":0} - 1 failed with error Error: request timeout
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:44.044 error Zigbee publish to '0x000b57fffe846613', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":false,"transtime":0} - 1 failed with error Error: request timeout
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:41.036 error Zigbee publish to '0x90fd9ffffe1a77dd', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":false,"transtime":0} - 1 failed with error Error: request timeout
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:38.030 error Zigbee publish to '0x000b57fffebb03eb', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":false,"transtime":0} - 1 failed with error Error: request timeout
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:35.020 error Zigbee publish to '0x000b57fffe88fe66', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":false,"transtime":0} - 1 failed with error Error: request timeout
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:32.018 error Cannot get the Node Descriptor of the Device: 0x000b57fffebb217f (Error: request timeout)
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:29.011 error Zigbee publish to '0x000b57fffe846613', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":false,"transtime":0} - 1 failed with error Error: request timeout
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:22.991 error Cannot get the Node Descriptor of the Device: 0x000b57fffeb72b00 (Error: request timeout)
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:19.988 error Join failure.. Error: request timeout
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:16.355 info Zigbee: allowing new devices to join.
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:13.980 error Join failure.. Error: request timeout
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:10.979 error Cannot get the Node Descriptor of the Device: 0x000b57fffe88fb0e (Error: request timeout)
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:10.540 info Zigbee: allowing new devices to join.
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:03:04.957 error Cannot get the Node Descriptor of the Device: 0x000b57fffebb217f (Error: Timed out after 10000 ms)
zigbee.0 2019-03-01 17:02:44.937 info new dev 0x000b57fffe8af279 40024 TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm

in 3 minutes from a working system to a car crash

smarti2019 commented 5 years ago

have a fresh iobroker installation with zigbee adapter 0.9.2 and dev coordinator firmware from 23 february for 4 days without errors. Now after 4 days it suddenly comes to problems. see abstract log file:

[67.820326] usb 1-1.2.4: USB disconnect, device number 5 [68.211935] usb 1-1.2.4: new full-speed USB device number 6 using dwc_otg [83.551898] usb 1-1.2.4: device descriptor read / 64, error -110 [98.991904] usb 1-1.2.4: device descriptor read / 64, error -110 [99.311944] usb 1-1.2.4: new full-speed USB device number 7 using dwc_otg [114.671983] usb 1-1.2.4: device descriptor read / 64, error -110 [130.111954] usb 1-1.2.4: device descriptor read / 64, error -110 [130.232066] usb 1-1.2-port4: attempt power cycle [130.991941] usb 1-1.2.4: new full-speed USB device number 8 using dwc_otg [141.570209] usb 1-1.2.4: device not accepting address 8, error -110 [141.780112] usb 1-1.2.4: new full-speed USB device number 9 using dwc_otg [152.288413] usb 1-1.2.4: device not accepting address 9, error -110 [152.288553] usb 1-1.2-port4: unable to enumerate USB device [364.069457] usb 1-1.2.4: new full-speed USB device number 10 using dwc_otg [364.317222] usb 1-1.2.4: New USB device found, idVendor = 0451, idProduct = 16a8, bcdDevice = 0.09 [364.317235] usb 1-1.2.4: New USB device strings: Mfr = 1, Product = 2, SerialNumber = 3 [364.317245] usb 1-1.2.4: Product: TI CC2531 USB CDC [364.317254] usb 1-1.2.4: Manufacturer: Texas Instruments [364.317263] usb 1-1.2.4: SerialNumber: __0X00124B001936B494 [364.319809] cdc_acm 1-1.2.4: 1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device [617.743801] cdc_acm 1-1.2.4: 1.0: failed to set dtr / rts

There is something really wrong. The stick is ok, I exchanged last week.

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago

@smarti2019 This one looks very clear to me. Not a stick problem, its the host. [130.232066] usb 1-1.2-port4: attempt power cycle

if you didnt plug it out, the stick lost its usb connection. Seen this only once by an raspbian user with a raspberry 3 or 3+- you aren't running it on an raspbian on a 3 or 3+, aren't you ? if yes, i know what the problem is

but to let you know..the cc2531 wasnt really good working at all.. the cc2530 is working much better to me

brtwrs commented 5 years ago

I dont think its the host. I use my stick on a normal pc and I don't see the "attempt power cycle". Most times I can get it to work again by replugging the stick and restarting zigbee2mqtt. But sometimes I can do reboots, replugs and restarts all I want but the stick wont respond. But when I reflash the stick everything works again.

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago

@brtwrs well its just a thought. had the same problems like you ... did for sure 10 complete reinstalls. some times when the stick wont respond, i needed to reflash it completely to make it work again.

well finally its working here now. my problem was that it seems like to be a bad idea to run it on a raspberry with 1gb RAM when all other adapters run on the same host. using the raspberry now only for the zigbee and ble adapter in my flat, the rest runs on a virtual machine in the basement. since this time a never had zigbee-adapter problems again.

its only a guess...but maybe the adapter really gets in struggle when the RAM is insuffcient.

but i NEVER saw a power cycle !

you didnt answer if you are using a raspberry 3 or 3+! then its for sure the power supply!

brtwrs commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your message but I use a 19" server in a rack so I dont think its a power or ram issue.. ;)

smarti2019 commented 5 years ago

i have the problems with the cc2531 on a raspberry pi and also with the intel nuc. So it can not be a raspberry power problem.

Edzilla2000 commented 5 years ago

I have the exact same issues. Sometimes it will work for a day or two, and sometimes it will work for minutes before it crashes. I tried disabling power to the USB ports but that didn't help at all. The only thing that sometimes helps is unplugging it, waiting a while and replugging it.

I've tried it on a NUC, on a raspberry 3 and on a regurlar computer, I have the exact same issues.

nob0dy80 commented 5 years ago

i should have shut up ..after running fine 4 days. mine stopped working last night. it didnt crash at all, it just stopped transfering. Zigbee publish to '0x0017880104781cce', genOnOff - on - {} - 11 failed with error Error: rsp error: 16

so what we can say till now is, its not host related cause it happens on different types of hosts, its not hardware stick related cause it happens on cc2531+cc2530 and it happens on different firmware versions (at least on cc2531 cause there are no dev version of cc2530 as far as i see). this is going to be a teaser :-|

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

@apeeters does it immediately crash after reflashing, or does it happen after a certain time?

apeeters commented 5 years ago

@Koenkk Current observation seems to be: it varies: sometimes I can get it to work for a few seconds, other times immediate timeouts.

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

@apeeters what about the reporting, is there a difference in having this disabled/enabled?

apeeters commented 5 years ago

@Koenkk Reporting is currently disabled, I first want to get it stable again.

I seem to be able to get it working for a few seconds/minutes right after reflashing.

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

@apeeters please try with the following firmware: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-xzI6b8umZFpki-pfaKdLgcPrUUlswe5

Relative to the 20190223 firmware, it has an increased memory heap at the cost of direct connected devices to the coordinator (15 -> 5).

apeeters commented 5 years ago

@Koenkk Currently running stable 🤞I'll let it run for a few more hours and then try to enable reporting again.

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

@apeeters fingers crossed!