Koenkk / zigbee-herdsman

A Node.js Zigbee library
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How to deal with same manufcaturer/cluster combo but different attributes? #789

Closed sjorge closed 2 weeks ago

sjorge commented 6 months ago

Interesting problem I am hitting,

For the Ubisys H10 we added manuSpecificUbisysHeatingRegulatorThermostat which is the same ID as hvacThermostat but with the ubisys manufacturer code, it has a bunch of H10 specific attributes.

For the Ubisys H1 they just introduce setting vacation mode, it's also on the hvacThermostat cluster ID with ubisys manufacturer code.

The ID of the manufacturer-specific attribute vacation mode is 0x0005 with the manufacturer ID being 0x10f2

Because they both use H10 and H1 use hvacThermostat + ubisys manufc code for custom attribute there is a collision:


Adding a 2nd one with the attribute for the H1 causes issues in zh, also just adding a duplicate attribute obviously doesn't work either.

How do we resolve this cleanly?

Edit: pending hearing back from them on the attribute type, I think boolean or uint8, def not struct.

sjorge commented 6 months ago

Found a workaround for now, as I only need to write and not read, I can just do manual write datatype all provided.

Would be nice to have a way to handle this cleanly in the future somehow though. I guess adding a unique ID to the cluster definition and somehow having the zhc device definition say use this one for me would work.

Koenkk commented 6 months ago

Since this is the first time we encounter such thing and we can get around it with the manual read/write I propose to not do anything for now (it will have quite some impact on the code base I think).

sjorge commented 6 months ago

Can we start a know limitstion list somewhere to track these things? I find it hard to believe I'm the first to hit this.

Koenkk commented 6 months ago

Yes, I've put the dont-stale label and will link all similar issues here.