Koenkk / zigbee-herdsman

A Node.js Zigbee library
MIT License
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Load additional manufacturer-specific clusters from device converter #933

Closed rgiordano30 closed 2 weeks ago

rgiordano30 commented 2 months ago

Hi, with new zigbee chips like Espressif ESP32-C6, more and more personal/hobby projects using the Zigbee protocol are starting to appear.

Problem is that manufacturer-specific clusters (and attributes) are hardcoded in zigbee-herdsman and there are no ways to extend them without modifing the source code.

It's would be great to add a new "cluster" option to the device converter and load it in zigbee-herdsman when parsing messages.

sjorge commented 2 months ago

Been wanting this for a while too, it would be great to move those non ZCL ones to the device definitions.

@koenkk I wonder if can somehow leverage some of the extend stuff to inject (and also share some between devices)

Although thinking about it some more that won't work as all the code to resolve these lives in zh. 🤔

Koenkk commented 2 months ago

@sjorge it needs to be injected somehow into ZH during startup, can be done in onEvent but didn't had the time to look at this yet.

Suxsem commented 2 months ago

@Koenkk Yeah I'm really waiting for this one too, it would open a world of possibilities for makers! If you are willing to provide me some insights in how you would implement this I'm happy to try making a PR!

Suxsem commented 2 months ago

@Koenkk I see that in https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/blob/2a53b8e59b457e0805318bdb38d2c74de651724d/lib/zigbee.ts#L61 ZH is initialized with an herdsmanSettings object, do you think this could be a good place to inject manufacturer-specific clusters? Or this settings should only contain global (aka adapter) settings?