Koenkk / zigbee-herdsman

A Node.js Zigbee library
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Move special readResponse out of zhc/src/index.ts (fixes legrand pairing issues) #979

Closed sjorge closed 2 months ago

sjorge commented 2 months ago

Currently there is some extra logic in index.ts in zhc repo to handle pairing of legrand devices and some quirks for aqara devices.


Somewhere after around z2m 1.34.0 we lost the ability to pair legrand devices because zh is also sending readResponses here https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman/blob/e3b17c2b2c833b5b80f7b4d70394fdfc627094d7/src/controller/model/device.ts#L259

Which result in the legrand device immediately leaving the network, we do send the response from zhc/src/index.ts after but at that point it's already to late.

I had a quick look at this earlier but it seems the data available there is still not completely parsed and I was not able to identify for which device the read was coming from or if it included the marker attribute legrand uses. (We should probably also add that to the cluster definition at some point).

Or perhaps an opt-out for these responses on a per-device level, so those can stay in zhc.

Koenkk commented 2 months ago

Can you check if this issue is fixed by applying the following changes?

sjorge commented 2 months ago

This seems to work!

I removed the legrand din meter, then, enabled pairing and initiated pairing on the device again. It successfully reached the configure stage and the device is not leaving the network!

sjorge commented 2 months ago

Hmm I may have spoken to so, the device did not leave but it does appear it's not reporting anything.

Edit: yes, the led does not turn green. Let me retry.

sjorge commented 2 months ago

OK, got it to show the green led.

It seems I had to stop and start z2m between removing it (device left when request) and starting the pairing on the device. Perhaps some state left over somehow ?

Koenkk commented 2 months ago

It seems I had to stop and start z2m between removing it (device left when request) and starting the pairing on the device. Perhaps some state left over somehow ?

Yes, after removing a device you need to restart z2m to clear the whole state.

Koenkk commented 2 months ago

@sjorge can you confirm that everything works correctly in the latest dev branch?

sjorge commented 2 months ago

Still working 👍

r0m1CH commented 1 month ago

I confirm we need :dev branch in order to fix loop legrand pairing issue. Thanks.