I have this thermostat. It is not the ALZB variant but the ELZB (fan coil). It handles 4 pipes and has separate circuits for cooling and heating (and one more for fan speed with 3 states).
On the device I can set Cooling, Heating, Ventilation, but I can't see these states in Z2M and in Home Assistant device. I can see only Cooling and Off states
Based on the state (Cooling, Heating, Ventilation) the relays work differently. E.g. in case of "Heating" when the current temp is below the set temp, the heating relay closes, but the cooling relay opens. And in case of "Cooling" it works oppositely.
Is it possible to get the heating state somehow?
Database entry
{"id":16,"type":"Router","ieeeAddr":"0x5c0272fffeae87d9","nwkAddr":14245,"manufId":4098,"manufName":"_TZE200_dzuqwsyg","powerSource":"Mains (single phase)","modelId":"TS0601","epList":[1],"endpoints":{"1":{"profId":260,"epId":1,"devId":81,"inClusterList":[0,4,5,61184],"outClusterList":[25,10],"clusters":{"genBasic":{"attributes":{"modelId":"TS0601","manufacturerName":"_TZE200_dzuqwsyg","powerSource":1,"zclVersion":3,"appVersion":65,"stackVersion":0,"hwVersion":1,"dateCode":""}}},"binds":[],"configuredReportings":[],"meta":{}}},"appVersion":65,"stackVersion":0,"hwVersion":1,"dateCode":"","zclVersion":3,"interviewCompleted":true,"meta":{},"lastSeen":1657928403918,"defaultSendRequestWhen":"immediate"}
After 2021 and 2022 I try it again. BAC-002-ELZB (4P), HKGK BAC series thermostat, 4 pipes https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001482369752.html?aff_fcid=6d4736262c244b7184f0cf8b8ff4d18e-1617959158006-05874-_putZL2S&aff_fsk=_putZL2S&aff_platform=api-new-link-generate&sk=_putZL2S&aff_trace_key=6d4736262c244b7184f0cf8b8ff4d18e-1617959158006-05874-_putZL2S&dp=171072-28191.6668330&terminal_id=220e072644ac4bf588c3baea78a2f274&tmLog=new_Detail
I have this thermostat. It is not the ALZB variant but the ELZB (fan coil). It handles 4 pipes and has separate circuits for cooling and heating (and one more for fan speed with 3 states). On the device I can set Cooling, Heating, Ventilation, but I can't see these states in Z2M and in Home Assistant device. I can see only Cooling and Off states Based on the state (Cooling, Heating, Ventilation) the relays work differently. E.g. in case of "Heating" when the current temp is below the set temp, the heating relay closes, but the cooling relay opens. And in case of "Cooling" it works oppositely. Is it possible to get the heating state somehow?
External converter
No response
Supported color modes
No response
Color temperature range
No response