Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt

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[New device support]: MiBoxer AC Triac Dimmer (Zigbee 3.0 + 2.4G + Push) #19141

Open dankarization opened 9 months ago

dankarization commented 9 months ago



Database entry

{"id":13,"type":"Router","ieeeAddr":"0xa4c138b6a5f96053","nwkAddr":47388,"manufId":4417,"manufName":"_TZB210_g01ie5wu","powerSource":"Mains (single phase)","modelId":"TS0501B","epList":[1,242],"endpoints":{"1":{"profId":260,"epId":1,"devId":257,"inClusterList":[3,4,5,6,4096,8,768,61184,0],"outClusterList":[25,10],"clusters":{"genOnOff":{"attributes":{"onOff":1}},"genBasic":{"attributes":{"65503":"�έ,\u0012","65506":54,"65508":0,"65534":0,"stackVersion":0,"dateCode":"","manufacturerName":"_TZB210_g01ie5wu","zclVersion":3,"appVersion":64,"modelId":"TS0501B","powerSource":1}},"lightingColorCtrl":{"attributes":{"57600":[1000,0],"tuyaRgbMode":0}},"genLevelCtrl":{"attributes":{"61440":1000,"currentLevel":254}}},"binds":[],"configuredReportings":[],"meta":{"onLevelSupported":false}},"242":{"profId":41440,"epId":242,"devId":97,"inClusterList":[],"outClusterList":[33],"clusters":{},"binds":[],"configuredReportings":[],"meta":{}}},"appVersion":64,"stackVersion":0,"hwVersion":1,"dateCode":"","zclVersion":3,"interviewCompleted":true,"meta":{"configured":-1440156621},"lastSeen":1696260591577,"defaultSendRequestWhen":"immediate"}


I got all data points, but did not understand documentation about 'exposes' part and tuyaDatapoints. Especially, brightness needs 'scale0_254to0_1000' what I was able to found in other converters, but 'min_brightness' exposes values from 0 to 100, and I did not see 'scale0_254to0_100' or some analog to convert this parameter from 0-100 to 0-254 Even on-off commands does not work at all 😩

External converter

const fz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee');
const tz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/toZigbee');
const exposes = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/exposes');
const reporting = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/reporting');
const extend = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/extend');
const e = exposes.presets;
const ea = exposes.access;
const tuya = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/tuya');

const definition = {
    // Since a lot of TuYa devices use the same modelID, but use different datapoints
    // it's necessary to provide a fingerprint instead of a zigbeeModel
    fingerprint: [{
        // The model ID from: Device with modelID 'TS0601' is not supported
        // You may need to add \u0000 at the end of the name in some cases
        modelID: 'TS0501B',
        // The manufacturer name from: Device with modelID 'TS0601' is not supported.
        manufacturerName: '_TZB210_g01ie5wu',
    }, ],
    model: 'TRI-C1ZR',
    vendor: 'MiBoxer',
    description: 'AC Triac Dimmer (Zigbee 3.0 + 2.4G + Push)',
    fromZigbee: [tuya.fz.datapoints],
    toZigbee: [tuya.tz.datapoints],
    onEvent: tuya.onEventSetTime, // Add this if you are getting no converter for 'commandMcuSyncTime'
    configure: tuya.configureMagicPacket,
    exposes: [
    meta: {
        // {"1":"ON/OFF","2":"Mode","3":"Brightness","4":"Minimum Brightness","7":"Countdown","9":"Adjust","34":"Breaker Mode"}

        tuyaDatapoints: [
            [1, 'state', tuya.valueConverter.onOff],
            [3, 'brightness', tuya.valueConverter.scale0_254to0_1000],
            [4, 'min_brightness', tuya.valueConverter.raw],
            [7, 'countdown', tuya.valueConverter.raw],
            [34, 'breaker_mode', tuya.valueConverter.onOff],

module.exports = definition;

Supported color modes

1 color dimmable lights

Color temperature range

No response

Flo70469 commented 8 months ago

Did you got some news? i am interested too.

dankarization commented 8 months ago

No news, I can't use data I got from tuya developer portal the right way for the converter :(

Koenkk commented 8 months ago

Doesn't this device work out of the box? Should be detected as TS0501B

dankarization commented 8 months ago

By default converter there's no option to toggle breaker mode on or off (in this mode it works as a relay, and by default it was enabled for me) plus no minimal brightness setting and no countdown.

Koenkk commented 8 months ago

Try with:

    fromZigbee: [...tuya.extend.light_onoff_brightness().fromZigbee, tuya.fz.datapoints],
    toZigbee: [...tuya.extend.light_onoff_brightness().toZigbee, tuya.tz.datapoints],

You can remove the datapoints state and brightness from tuyaDatapoints.

mlichvar commented 4 months ago

Was anyone able to set the minimum brightness with z2m? The documentation says it can be set with a remote, but I don't have that.

When I try it with this definition:

const definition = {
    zigbeeModel: ['TS0501B'],
    model: 'TS0501B',
    vendor: '_TZB210_g01ie5wu',
    description: 'Automatically generated definition',
    extend: [tuyaLight({minBrightness: true})],
    meta: {},

I get this error:

genLevelCtrl({"64512":{"value":511,"type":33}}, {"timeout":10000,"disableResponse":false,"disableRecovery":false,"disableDefaultResponse":true,"direction":0,"srcEndpoint":null,"reservedBits":0,"manufacturerCode":null,"transactionSequenceNumber":null,"writeUndiv":false}) failed (Status 'UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE')
mlichvar commented 4 months ago

With the Miboxer remote I can set the minimum brightness down to 3%. It would be nice if it could be set lower with Z2M. Here are some messages I get when I'm changing it with the remote.

zigbee/bridge/logging {"level":"debug","message":"No converter available for 'TS0501B' with cluster 'lightingColorCtrl' and type 'raw' and data '{\"data\":[8,47,10,2,241,72,12,1,0,0,0,0,0,12,0,12,0,3,0],\"type\":\"Buffer\"}'"}
zigbee/bridge/logging {"level":"debug","message":"No converter available for 'TS0501B' with cluster 'lightingColorCtrl' and type 'raw' and data '{\"data\":[8,54,10,2,241,72,12,1,0,0,0,0,0,12,0,12,0,5,0],\"type\":\"Buffer\"}'"}
zigbee/bridge/logging {"level":"debug","message":"No converter available for 'TS0501B' with cluster 'lightingColorCtrl' and type 'raw' and data '{\"data\":[8,61,10,2,241,72,12,1,0,0,0,0,0,12,0,12,0,7,0],\"type\":\"Buffer\"}'"}

The second value from the end is the minimum brightness. I saw a similar payload reported at https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/issues/6858, which has a value of 0 at that place. Any suggestions on how could it be set?

SkyDroVV commented 3 months ago

Model TRI-C1ZR manufactured by MiBoxer Zigbee ID: TS0501B | _TZB210_g01ie5wu

Is the device now supported by ZHA?

Subia75 commented 3 months ago

HI, I was thinking of getting this dimmer, but I didn't understand if it is detected and can be used by zigbee2mqq.

thanks to anyone who can answer me.

mlichvar commented 3 months ago

It works with Z2M out of the box. Switching on/off works, changing brightness works, it can even be switched to the relay mode except it's mapped to the "Do not disturb" setting. The only missing piece I think is setting of the minimum brightness. You would need the Miboxer remote to do that and the minimum seems to be 3%. As it arrived from the store, the minimum was set higher.

The Miboxer dimmer was one of the two I could source locally that has trailing edge dimming. Works very nicely with Philips WarmGlow bulbs. No buzzing or flickering. The other one was a dimLED dimmer, but it dimmed too slowly and its power consumption was high (about 1.3W).

Subia75 commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the quick response. I ask a specific question. Since you're using it, I can't find how much power it supports for a LED bulb and maybe it's written in the instructions. I should connect a 220W 220V LED strip to it.

mlichvar commented 3 months ago

The manual says 300W at 220V. I have not tried that. My load is only about 32W.

Subia75 commented 3 months ago

I ask because in most dimmers I find 200W for LEDs and 300W for halogen lights but in this one only 300w and I wouldn't want to burn it

mlichvar commented 3 weeks ago

I was finally able to capture the command for setting the minimum brightness from a Tuya gateway. It can be set down to 0%, which is very nice. A PR is submitted in https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/pull/7638. It works for me, but it will probably need more work.