Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt

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Button IH-K663 shows the action in MQTT but not in home assistant #20293

Closed BitWuehler closed 1 week ago

BitWuehler commented 7 months ago

What happened?

If I add the Zigbee Butoon IH-K663 to z2m i can see, that everything seems to work fine. If I press the button one time, it shows the action single and with a double click it shows double. But if I look into my home assistant there is no "action" sensor. All other topics like battery, voltage and linkqualitiy are there. If I add the button to z2m at the beginning the action is not showed in z2m. Only when I press the button, the action shows up. Maybe it has something to do with that.

Im not sure, if this is a problem of z2m or with home assistant. I just can say, that another button I have works well in the same setup. @kirovilya

What did you expect to happen?

To see the action senor in Home Assistant.

How to reproduce it (minimal and precise)

Just add the button to z2m and look into MQTT-Explorer. There is an "action" topic showed in z2m and MQTT but not in home assistant.

Zigbee2MQTT version


Adapter firmware version



Custom CC2652P

Debug log


Zigbee2MQTT:info 19-12-2023 14:27:25: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Knopf Mikrowelle', payload '{"action":"single","battery":null,"linkquality":72,"voltage":null}' Zigbee2MQTT:info 19-12-2023 14:27:25: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Knopf Mikrowelle/action', payload 'single'

diagnostic Information of the two buttons in home assistant: ### not working button (TuYa, IH-K663): ```ruby { "home_assistant": { "installation_type": "Home Assistant Container", "version": "2023.12.3", "dev": false, "hassio": false, "virtualenv": false, "python_version": "3.11.6", "docker": true, "arch": "aarch64", "timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "6.1.21-v8+", "run_as_root": true }, "custom_components": { "hass_agent": { "version": "2022.11.9", "requirements": [] }, "portainer": { "version": "0.0.0", "requirements": [] }, "hacs": { "version": "1.33.0", "requirements": [ "aiogithubapi>=22.10.1" ] }, "scheduler": { "version": "v0.0.0", "requirements": [] }, "better_thermostat": { "version": "1.4.0", "requirements": [] }, "browser_mod": { "version": "2.3.0", "requirements": [] }, "dwd": { "version": "2023.10.0", "requirements": [] }, "simpleicons": { "version": "v2.2.0", "requirements": [ "simpleicons==7.14.0" ] }, "smart_thermostat": { "version": 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"homeassistant/device_automation/0x00124b002911419f/action_double/config", "payload": { "automation_type": "trigger", "device": { "identifiers": [ "zigbee2mqtt_0x00124b002911419f" ], "manufacturer": "SONOFF", "model": "Wireless button (SNZB-01)", "name": "Lichtschalter Knopf" }, "origin": { "name": "Zigbee2MQTT", "sw_version": "1.33.0", "support_url": "https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io" }, "payload": "double", "subtype": "double", "topic": "zigbee2mqtt/Lichtschalter Knopf/action", "type": "action", "platform": "mqtt" } }, "trigger_key": [ "device_automation", "0x00124b002911419f action_double" ] }, { "discovery_data": { "topic": "homeassistant/device_automation/0x00124b002911419f/action_long/config", "payload": { "automation_type": "trigger", "device": { "identifiers": [ "zigbee2mqtt_0x00124b002911419f" ], "manufacturer": "SONOFF", "model": "Wireless button (SNZB-01)", "name": "Lichtschalter Knopf" }, "origin": { "name": "Zigbee2MQTT", "sw_version": "1.33.0", "support_url": "https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io" }, "payload": "long", "subtype": "long", "topic": "zigbee2mqtt/Lichtschalter Knopf/action", "type": "action", "platform": "mqtt" } }, "trigger_key": [ "device_automation", "0x00124b002911419f action_long" ] } ] } } } ```
github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue is stale because it has been open 180 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 30 days