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[Wrong device]: [SPM02-D2TZ] power meter won't report negative values #20631

Open elektrinis opened 6 months ago

elektrinis commented 6 months ago






3-phase power meter



Picture (link)


Database entry



Device is working well, however it is reporting negative current/power as positive. Positive also as positive, so I'm sure there is no issue with wiring. Not sure if this is integration, or issue with device itself. Newbie here, please explain in detail if I need to submit any extra info.

HobboRobin commented 4 months ago

I have the same Problem with the Same Device. I have a 1Phase Solar inverter on phase 3. when i have a power load of 50W and then inject 600W it goes to 550W. So there is something wrong. I got the from the manufacture a converter File. But i dont get it working correctly. Or i dont even know it is correct.

HobboRobin commented 4 months ago

/** Version 01.00.02

Date 2023/10/26

update 支持读取总有功功率,三相无功功率,总无功功率, 三相势在功率,总势在功率,系统频率 **/

const fz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee'); const tz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/toZigbee'); const exposes = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/exposes'); const reporting = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/reporting'); const extend = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/extend'); const e = exposes.presets; const ea = exposes.access; const { Numeric } = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/exposes'); const { precisionRound, mapNumberRange, isLegacyEnabled, toLocalISOString, numberWithinRange, hasAlreadyProcessedMessage, calibrateAndPrecisionRoundOptions, addActionGroup, postfixWithEndpointName, getKey, batteryVoltageToPercentage, } = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/utils'); const utils = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/utils');

let preEnergy = 0; let preProduced_energy = 0;

const converters = { seMetering: {

    cluster: 'seMetering',
    type: ['attributeReport', 'readResponse'],
    options: (definition) => {
        const result = [];
        if (definition.exposes.find((e) => e.name === 'power')) {
            result.push(exposes.options.precision('power'), exposes.options.calibration('power', 'percentual'));
        if (definition.exposes.find((e) => e.name === 'energy')) {
            result.push(exposes.options.precision('energy'), exposes.options.calibration('energy', 'percentual'));
        if (definition.exposes.find((e) => e.name === 'produced_energy')) {
            result.push(exposes.options.precision('produced_energy'), exposes.options.calibration('energy', 'percentual'));
        return result;


    convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => {
        if (utils.hasAlreadyProcessedMessage(msg, model)) return;
        const payload = {};
        const multiplier = msg.endpoint.getClusterAttributeValue('seMetering', 'multiplier');
        const divisor = msg.endpoint.getClusterAttributeValue('seMetering', 'divisor');
        const factor = multiplier && divisor ? multiplier / divisor : null;

        if (factor != null && (msg.data.hasOwnProperty('currentSummDelivered') ||
            msg.data.hasOwnProperty('currentSummReceived'))) {
            let energy  = preEnergy;
            let produced_energy  = preProduced_energy;
            if (msg.data.hasOwnProperty('currentSummDelivered')) {
                const data = msg.data['currentSummDelivered'];
                const value = (parseInt(data[0]) << 32) + parseInt(data[1]);
                energy = value * factor;
                preEnergy = energy;
                // produced_energy = preProduced_energy;
            if (msg.data.hasOwnProperty('currentSummReceived'))  {
                const data = msg.data['currentSummReceived'];
                const value = (parseInt(data[0]) << 32) + parseInt(data[1]);
                produced_energy = value * factor;
                preProduced_energy = produced_energy;
                // energy = preEnergy;
            payload.energy = calibrateAndPrecisionRoundOptions(energy, options, 'energy');
            payload.produced_energy = calibrateAndPrecisionRoundOptions(produced_energy, options, 'energy');
            // payload.produced_energy = produced_energy;
        return payload;
electrical_measurement_bituo: {
    cluster: 'haElectricalMeasurement',
    type: ['attributeReport', 'readResponse'],
    options: [
        exposes.options.precision('ac_frequency'), exposes.options.precision('total_active_power'),
        exposes.options.calibration('active_power', 'percentual'), exposes.options.precision('active_power'),
        exposes.options.precision('active_power_phase_b'), exposes.options.precision('active_power_phase_c'),
        exposes.options.precision('total_power_apparent'), exposes.options.precision('power_apparent'),
        exposes.options.precision('power_apparent_phase_b'), exposes.options.precision('power_apparent_phase_c'),
        exposes.options.precision('total_power_reactive'), exposes.options.precision('power_reactive'),
        exposes.options.precision('power_reactive_phase_b'), exposes.options.precision('power_reactive_phase_c'),
        exposes.options.calibration('current', 'percentual'), exposes.options.precision('current'),
        exposes.options.calibration('voltage', 'percentual'), exposes.options.precision('voltage'),
    convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => {
        if (utils.hasAlreadyProcessedMessage(msg, model)) return;
        const getFactor = (key) => {
            const multiplier = msg.endpoint.getClusterAttributeValue('haElectricalMeasurement', `${key}Multiplier`);
            const divisor = msg.endpoint.getClusterAttributeValue('haElectricalMeasurement', `${key}Divisor`);
            const factor = multiplier && divisor ? multiplier / divisor : 1;
            return factor;

        const lookup = [
            {key: 'activePower', name: 'active_power', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'activePowerPhB', name: 'active_power_phase_b', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'activePowerPhC', name: 'active_power_phase_c', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'totalActivePower', name: 'total_active_power', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'apparentPower', name: 'power_apparent', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'apparentPowerPhB', name: 'power_apparent_phase_b', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'apparentPowerPhC', name: 'power_apparent_phase_c', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'totalAppaarentPower', name: 'total_power_apparent', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'reactivePower', name: 'power_reactive', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'reactivePowerPhB', name: 'power_reactive_phase_b', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'reactivePowerPhC', name: 'power_reactive_phase_c', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'totalReactivePower', name: 'total_power_reactive', factor: 'acPower'},
            {key: 'rmsCurrent', name: 'current', factor: 'acCurrent'},
            {key: 'rmsCurrentPhB', name: 'current_phase_b', factor: 'acCurrent'},
            {key: 'rmsCurrentPhC', name: 'current_phase_c', factor: 'acCurrent'},
            {key: 'rmsVoltage', name: 'voltage', factor: 'acVoltage'},
            {key: 'rmsVoltagePhB', name: 'voltage_phase_b', factor: 'acVoltage'},
            {key: 'rmsVoltagePhC', name: 'voltage_phase_c', factor: 'acVoltage'},
            {key: 'acFrequency', name: 'ac_frequency', factor: 'acFrequency'},

        const payload = {};
        for (const entry of lookup) {
            if (msg.data.hasOwnProperty(entry.key)) {
                const factor = getFactor(entry.factor);
                const property = postfixWithEndpointName(entry.name, msg, model, meta);
                const value = msg.data[entry.key] * factor;
                payload[property] = calibrateAndPrecisionRoundOptions(value, options, entry.name);

        // alarm mask
            payload.Alarm = msg.data['ACAlarmsMask'].toString(2);

        if (msg.data.hasOwnProperty('powerFactor')) {
            payload.power_factor = precisionRound(msg.data['powerFactor'] , 2);
        if (msg.data.hasOwnProperty('powerFactorPhB')) {
            payload.power_factor_phase_b = precisionRound(msg.data['powerFactorPhB'] , 2);
        if (msg.data.hasOwnProperty('powerFactorPhC')) {
            payload.power_factor_phase_c = precisionRound(msg.data['powerFactorPhC'] , 2);
        return payload;
hw_version: {
    cluster: 'genBasic',
    type: ['attributeReport', 'readResponse'],
    convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => {
        const result = {};
        if (msg.data.hasOwnProperty('hwVersion')) result['hw_version'] = msg.data.hwVersion;
        return result;
locationDesc: {
    cluster: 'genBasic',
    type: ['attributeReport', 'readResponse'],
    convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => {
        const result = {};
        if (msg.data.hasOwnProperty('locationDesc')) result['locationDesc'] = msg.data.locationDesc;
        return result;

} const power_kW = () => new Numeric('active_power', ea.STATE).withUnit('kW').withDescription('Instantaneous measured active power'); const power_kW_phase_b = () => new Numeric('active_power_phase_b', ea.STATE).withUnit('kW').withDescription('Instantaneous measured active power on phase B'); const power_kW_phase_c = () => new Numeric('active_power_phase_c', ea.STATE).withUnit('kW').withDescription('Instantaneous measured active power on phase C'); const total_power_kW = () => new Numeric('total_active_power', ea.STATE).withUnit('kW').withDescription('Instantaneous measured total active power'); const power_factor_phase_b = () => new Numeric('power_factor_phase_b', ea.STATE).withUnit('%').withDescription('Instantaneous measured power factor on phase B'); const power_factor_phase_c = () => new Numeric('power_factor_phase_c', ea.STATE).withUnit('%').withDescription('Instantaneous measured power factor on phase C'); const power_reactive = () => new Numeric('power_reactive', ea.STATE).withUnit('kVAR').withDescription('Instantaneous measured reactive power'); const power_reactive_phase_b = () => new Numeric('power_reactive_phase_b', ea.STATE).withUnit('kVAR').withDescription('Instantaneous measured reactive power on phase B'); const power_reactive_phase_c = () => new Numeric('power_reactive_phase_c', ea.STATE).withUnit('kVAR').withDescription('Instantaneous measured reactive power on phase C'); const total_power_reactive = () => new Numeric('total_power_reactive', ea.STATE).withUnit('kVAR').withDescription('Instantaneous measured total reactive power'); const power_apparent = () => new Numeric('power_apparent', ea.STATE).withUnit('kVA').withDescription('Instantaneous measured apparent power'); const power_apparent_phase_b = () => new Numeric('power_apparent_phase_b', ea.STATE).withUnit('kVA').withDescription('Instantaneous measured apparent power on phase B'); const power_apparent_phase_c = () => new Numeric('power_apparent_phase_c', ea.STATE).withUnit('kVA').withDescription('Instantaneous measured apparent power on phase C'); const total_power_apparent = () => new Numeric('total_power_apparent', ea.STATE).withUnit('kVA').withDescription('Instantaneous measured total apparent power'); const hw_version = () => new Numeric('hw_version', ea.STATE).withUnit(' ').withDescription('Hardware Version'); const locationDesc = () => new Numeric('locationDesc', ea.STATE).withUnit(' ').withDescription('Zigbee Version');

const definition = { zigbeeModel: ['SPM02X001'],// The model ID from: Device with modelID 'lumi.sens' is not supported. model: 'SPM02X001', // Vendor model number, look on the device for a model number vendor: 'BITUO TECHNIK', // Vendor of the device (only used for documentation and startup logging) description: 'Smart energy monitor for 3P+N system', fromZigbee: [converters.electrical_measurement_bituo, converters.seMetering, converters.hw_version, converters.locationDesc], toZigbee: [], //configure: tuya.configureMagicPacket, configure: async (device, coordinatorEndpoint, logger) => { const endpoint = device.getEndpoint(1);// 选取1为服务端点,spm0x只有1 await reporting.bind(endpoint, coordinatorEndpoint, ['haElectricalMeasurement', 'seMetering', 'genBasic']);// 将端点1与haElectricalMeasurement绑定 await reporting.readEletricalMeasurementMultiplierDivisors(endpoint);// 读取电力测量的乘法因子和除法因子 await reporting.readMeteringMultiplierDivisor(endpoint); await reporting.activePower(endpoint);// 有功功率 await reporting.rmsCurrent(endpoint);// 电流 await reporting.rmsVoltage(endpoint);// 电压 await reporting.powerFactor(endpoint); await reporting.apparentPower(endpoint); await reporting.reactivePower(endpoint); await reporting.currentSummDelivered(endpoint); await reporting.currentSummReceived(endpoint); device.save(); }, exposes: [e.ac_frequency(), e.voltage(), e.voltage_phase_b(), e.voltage_phase_c(), power_kW(), power_kW_phase_b(), power_kW_phase_c(), total_power_kW(), e.current(), e.current_phase_b(), e.current_phase_c(), e.power_factor(), power_factor_phase_b(), power_factor_phase_c(), power_reactive(), power_reactive_phase_b(), power_reactive_phase_c(), total_power_reactive(), power_apparent(), power_apparent_phase_b(), power_apparent_phase_c(), total_power_apparent(), // Change the description according to the specifications of the device e.energy().withDescription('Total forward active energy'), e.produced_energy().withDescription('Total reverse active energy'), hw_version(), locationDesc(), //e.paySwitch().withDescription('预付费开关'), ], };

module.exports = definition;

Le-Syl21 commented 3 months ago

How can I use your code ??? https://github.com/script0803/SPM0X-Z2M-Configuration/blob/main/SPM02_Z3_Local_02.js

Le-Syl21 commented 3 months ago

I've update to Z2M EDGE. It's work but I can't show energy and produced energy: Capture d’écran du 2024-03-18 11-59-07 Can someone help me ?

sesame1215 commented 3 months ago

I have also purchased the same product from them. They have told me that there are two versions: V1 (older) and V2 (newer). The V2 versions can show the negative values and have more DP (more user friendly in my view). Too bad that V1 cannot OTA to V2.

maciey commented 3 months ago

I've update to Z2M EDGE

How did you manage to update this device? Did you resolve missign readings issues?

Le-Syl21 commented 3 months ago

I have found a solution: use this file: SPM02_Z3_Local_02.j then replace line 15: BEFORE = const extend = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/extend'); AFTER = const extend = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/modernExtend');

It's work but need rework like Hz. Look at this: image image image Bye

maciey commented 3 months ago

I have found a solution:

Thanks a lot. Can you plz advise where should I put this file and how to configure HA to read it?