Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt

Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges 🔨
GNU General Public License v3.0
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feat: add support for ingress multiplath #22580

Open jlpedrosa opened 1 month ago

jlpedrosa commented 1 month ago

Hi @Koenkk

I thing the chart is ready to be released, i did the full process on my fork.

Index is available (in my fork) : https://jlpedrosa.github.io/zigbee2mqtt/index.yaml Package can be downloaded and installed:

zigbee2mqtt            29m   True    Helm install succeeded for release homeassistant/homeassistant-zigbee2mqtt.v1 with chart zigbee2mqtt@1.37.1

Deployment seems to work just fine: image

Koenkk commented 1 month ago

I already trigger a chart release before seeing this PR (run), can this PR go to dev?

jlpedrosa commented 1 month ago

Yes, it can be put to dev, no issues. changed.

The release was correct only at 50%. The index file was generated correctly: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/blob/gh-pages/index.yaml But the artifact has not been added to the release, it contains only the sources, not the actual helm chart, the ref in the index points to: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/releases/download/zigbee2mqtt-1.37.1/zigbee2mqtt-1.37.1.tgz

which doesn't exist... :face_exhaling:

Koenkk commented 1 month ago

@jlpedrosa I removed that release, I only want the real z2m releases there. Is that a problem?

jlpedrosa commented 1 month ago

yes, that is the URL included in the index, so that is were the charts gets downloaded. I can change the release name so it matches the one you already creates, not sure if it will fail or will add it to yours.

jlpedrosa commented 1 month ago

@Koenkk I have been banging my head against the wall with this for a long time. helm-releaser does not support it append the chart to an existing release. I created a patch to fix it upstream. They don't seem to be reviewing PR at all: https://github.com/helm/chart-releaser/pull/407 Options:

Have the two tags in this repo. Wait for upstream to fix it (we can grow old waiting IMO) Move the chart to another repo. Do a lot of code to release here in the same repo. Stop software engineering and open a bar in the bermudas.

Koenkk commented 1 month ago

Move the chart to another repo.

I guess this option makes the most sense. We can trigger an update similar as we do for the HASS addon: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/blob/c02c61dd5698b47fcb83ea5d7de39e627d498e58/.github/workflows/ci.yml#L87

jlpedrosa commented 1 month ago

Hi, what ever you want, this is how I set it up for another OSS project: https://github.com/unpoller/helm-chart/ We indeed trigger the release from the other repo.

Let me know when you've created the repo. If you want to give me write-access, I can help you maintain it.

In any case, let me know when you've created the repo. Remeber the gh-pages branch.

Koenkk commented 1 month ago

Hi, what ever you want,

If we don't want multiple tags in this repo, a separate repo is the only solution, right?

jlpedrosa commented 1 month ago

There's another way that in theory can be used which is the github packages (not releases) and use it as OCI helm repository. I am not positive, but I think it has the drawback of renovate/dependabot not being able to "crawl" the repo (because there's no index.yaml), note I am not positive.

Other option is to create the index.yaml "manually/script" and upload thr file to the exisisting release.

So yes, there are solutions, but require a decent amount of time.to get it working.

Koenkk commented 1 month ago

Then let's go for the separate repo, added you to https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt-chart