Open Takacsk76 opened 2 months ago
Thank you very much! after a couple of months your post gave me light! I'm also struggling with decoding the JSON in month_consumption and daily_consumption but with no success. AFAIK the last position in the buffer is the current state but I had no success implementing it on the external converter.
Thank you very much! after a couple of months your post gave me light! I'm also struggling with decoding the JSON in month_consumption and daily_consumption but with no success. AFAIK the last position in the buffer is the current state but I had no success implementing it on the external converter.
I have not yet installed the device in its final location, but it is expected to be ready this week. I didn't know what to do with the JSON data yet, because there is nothing to compare it to. In my opinion, the data could be statistics for the last 7 days and the last 7 months, but this is just a guess (but why only 7 months?).
Is there something already available to add manually ?
As far as I know, there isn't.
I have just acquired a 214C and have just managed to get it paired (the supplied manual described using a Hall Effect button with a magnet - it doesn't exist - you have to long-press when the date is shown) I can see the device OK in Tuya, but unsupported in Z2M. Not yet plumbed in. But hopefully I can contribute or at least test anything others find.
Hi, I received a video from the seller for zigbee pairing:
User Manual===
Ah thanks, now I have the full manual - after question to the supplier they had sent me just the two relevant pages. The manual in the box is totally different. Your info will certainly help anyone else who discovers this. But that's really outside of this thread on Z2M !
Very welcome. I would also be happy to help implement the integration into Z2M, but no such request has been received so far.
I just need to figure out how to calculate the battery percentage. I'm trying, but I can't.
What I learned
Factory name of the device: Zigbee阀控超声波水表-vdevo In English: Zigbee valve controlled ultrasonic water meter-vdevo
Data points in the Tuya app:
Database entry
Zigbee2MQTT version
Comments (starting point)
I tried to make the configuration based on another type:
ZHA has exactly this configuration, but it should be transferred to Z2M:
Tuya development
Output from the script in tuya_dev:
I don't really understand how Zigbee and Tuya clusters work.
External definition
What does/doesn't work with the external definition?
What works with external definition:
What doesn't work with the external definition:
Template binary sensors
Processing of "Warning" statuses "state": "{{ '{:013b}'.format(state_attr('sensor.water_meter_warning', 'warning') | int)[-1] == '1' }}", [-1]: the sequence number of the bit
HA device data:
///If anyone could help me create a working config file I would greatly appreciate it. I'm just trying, but I have no scientific basis. Thanks/// I managed to put something together