Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt

Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges 🔨
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Request: Support TCP Connections to CC2530 #665

Closed Eistee82 closed 5 years ago

Eistee82 commented 5 years ago

Hi is it posible to support TCP Connections to CC2530 so i can connect it to an ESP8266 or an MapleCUN.

ryanbeaton commented 5 years ago

Yes, Info in issue 442


JLFN commented 5 years ago


Wiring: ESP8266 -- CC2530 3v3 -- VCC GND -- GND TX -- P02 RX -- P03 GND -- P20 GND -- P04 GND -- P05

Esp8266 flashing Press the Flashmode button when connection to the computer

Downlad the lastest https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/releases Extract the ESPMega zip file, and open ‘FlashESP8266.exe’ Select the right COM port and select the right Firmware (ESP_Easy_mega-XXXXXXXX_normal_ESP8266_4096.bin)

When it is ready close the flashing tool The ESP8266 will now emit a wifi signal, connect with it with the following password: ‘configesp’ (more information at https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/ESPEasy#Introduction) After connection a screen opens in which you can let the ESP8266 connect to your WIFI, if succesfull its new IP address will be shown. Go to this IP address in your browser and click on devices or Go to Click on "Devices" Edit of the first task and select ‘Communication - Serial Server’ from the dropdown list Fill in the form as following: a. Name: ZIGBEE2MQTT b. Enabled: checked c. TCP Port: a number between 1000 and 9999 "1775" d. Baud Rate: 115200 e. Data bits: 8 f. Parity: No Parity g. Stop bits: 1 h. Reset target after boot: - none – i. RX receive timeout: 0 j. Event processing: Generic Press Submit

Then its complete the device will get devicename ESP-Easy-0 check your router for the IP or you will get directed after the setup of the Wifi the first time you connected to the device.

You can also try to use ser2net on Linux then use that port. https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/Ser2Net Mount with socat

sudo socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0,link=/dev/zigbee tcp-connect:IP:PORT

NOTE THIS! Make sure the zigbee2mqtt is not using the same channel as WIFI. Please give me feedback how the latency is.

rmounce commented 5 years ago

I have been using a similar configuration to this for months, but using an OpenWrt AP with USB connected CC2531 instead of ESP8266 with UART connected CC2530. (I am also using the same principle in a different location with CC2530 connected to OpenWrt AP via USB UART dongle, but this is less elegant).

I am using ser2net on the OpenWrt remote radio side, and socat on the zigbee2mqtt server side. The server side is a bit complicated with an extra systemd unit for socat and dependencies etc. Despite this complexity and to my surprise, it has been working flawlessly.

Allowing direct specification of a TCP endpoint in zigbee2mqtt would greatly simplify this case, which is what I believe Eistee is requesting. I'm sure there are also people running zigbee2mqtt in containers who would appreciate this.

e.g. rather than

  port: /dev/ttyACM0

configuration could be like


This would require adding TCP support to zigbee-shepherd (bypassing serialport) and updating zigbee2mqtt to pass through the configuration.

JLFN commented 5 years ago

@Koenkk Is it possible for to implement this? Iam using esp8266 with Rflink mounted with TCP it would be nice if there could be a TCP support for zigbee2mqtt

This would require adding TCP support to zigbee-shepherd (bypassing serialport) and updating zigbee2mqtt to pass through the configuration. @rmounce I see that rflink use also TCP host for mount. Can you please share your socat mounting and scripts on the client side. @landrash want to implement that on hassbian scripts.

rmounce commented 5 years ago


My systemd unit files for socat and zigbee2mqtt https://gist.github.com/rmounce/16a8625755d4491cdb96a697742f1535 https://gist.github.com/rmounce/021405a0f8f409984c3d6b6f52e69453

And the relevant part of my zigbee2mqtt configuration.yaml

  port: /tmp/ttyVUSB0
  rtscts: false
JLFN commented 5 years ago

@rmounce I think this is what we are looking for https://www.npmjs.com/package/tcp-serial

JLFN commented 5 years ago

Any update? Its a really nic function i need feedback with the respond time .

JLFN commented 5 years ago

Solved check docs.

Koenkk commented 5 years ago

https://koenkk.github.io/zigbee2mqtt/how_tos/how_to_esp8266_with_cc2530.html thanks to @JLFN